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TU170 Learning online and computing with confidence

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1 TU170 Learning online and computing with confidence
Prepared by: Teacher Nedaa Hisham Abu Hashim Teacher Nedaa Hisham

2 Activity which of the following software is an example of a spreadsheet software a. MS Excel. b. MS PowerPoint m. Netscape Navigator n. Corel Draw o. MS Word Teacher Nedaa Hisham

3 Activity The spreadsheet software is used mainly to:
a. arrange data in tables b. perform calculations on the data c. plot charts d. All of the above. e. None of the above. Teacher Nedaa Hisham

4 Activity Which software of the following is an example database software? a. MS Word b. MS Access c. MS Power point. d. File Maker Pro e. Both b and d Teacher Nedaa Hisham

5 Activity In a spreadsheet, the content of cell A20 is SUM(A1:A19), means: a. The sum of 20 numbers stored in cells A1 to A19 is placed in A20 cell. b. The sum of 20 numbers stored in cells A1 to A20 is placed in A19 cell. c. The sum of 19 numbers stored in cells A1 to A19 is placed in A20 cell. d. The sum of 19 numbers stored in cells A1 to A20 is placed in A19 cell. e. None of the above Teacher Nedaa Hisham

6 Activity Most of spreadsheets have which provide you with a number of questions to answer in order to create a graph a. Application b. Template c. Function d. Wizard e. Paragraph Teacher Nedaa Hisham

7 Activity A question to a database is known as:
a. Request b. Requirement c. Query d. Object e. None of the above Teacher Nedaa Hisham

8 Activity In databases, a record consists of many:
a. Tables b. Files c. Packages d. Fields e. Folders Teacher Nedaa Hisham

9 Activity Spreadsheets consist of in which you can enter data. Segments Cells Paragraphs Pages Rooms Teacher Nedaa Hisham

10 Activity The power of a computer database lies in:
The ways you enter and store data The amount of information you can store The ways you can access and retrieve the data All the above None of the above. Teacher Nedaa Hisham

11 Activity A database is a collection of related cells records tables
sheets folders Teacher Nedaa Hisham

12 Activity The best excel chart used for showing proportions of different variables is bar chart Pie chart Line graph Two dimensional line graph Two dimensional bar chart Teacher Nedaa Hisham

13 Excel -It is arranged in a set of columns and rows
Excel -It is arranged in a set of columns and rows. - You can have more than one sheet in a workbook Teacher Nedaa Hisham

14 Entering and Formatting data
You can format cells by going to the Format menu, and selecting Cells, and then selecting the category you want, such as Time. Teacher Nedaa Hisham

15 Selecting cells. If you want to act on a column, select the letter at the top of the column to highlight the whole column. If you want to act on a row, select the Number to highlight the whole column row. You can also specify a rectangular group (or 'range') of cells by clicking on the first cell, holding down the left mouse button, and dragging across the cells you want in your selection. Teacher Nedaa Hisham

16 Formulas You can add a formula to a cell by going to the Insert menu and selecting Function.   Practical activity: Enter ten numbers in a column going from cell A1 to A10. The formula in cell A11 would then look something like =SUM(A1:A10). Teacher Nedaa Hisham

17 Charts  You can add a chart by going to the Insert menu and selecting Chart. Teacher Nedaa Hisham

18 Elements of the database
Teacher Nedaa Hisham

19 Answer whether the following is true or false:
There are 4 different ways to generate integrated documents, these are copy-paste, linking, importing, and embedding. T Today, integrated documents are easily generated by virtue of the existence of integrated software that combine word processing, spreadsheets, and graphics in one package. T The contents of a cell are label, values, and formulas. T The world wide web can be seen as a huge database T the primary key is essential for creating relationships between tables in database programs T 33A is a valid cell reference in Excel F Teacher Nedaa Hisham

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