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Ryan Kramer and Brian Soden University of Miami/RSMAS

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1 Comparing radiative kernels in the context of feedbacks and forcings on the hydrological cycle
Ryan Kramer and Brian Soden University of Miami/RSMAS PDRMIP Meeting, May 11, 2017

2 Earth’s Energy Budget L’Ecuyer et al. 2015

3 Radiative Kernel-Regression Technique
Feedback Rapid Adjustment

4 Radiative Kernels W/m2/K/100hPa

5 Soden et al. 2008 TOA Kernel Comparison

6 Differing Water Vapor Radiative Kernels
Flaschner et al (ECHAM6) Previdi 2010 (ECHAM5) λWV,LW = W/m2/K λWV,LW = 0.29 W/m2/K

7 Atmospheric Feedbacks and Adjustments
Large inter-kernel differences (colors) in: Planck and WV feedback Cloud Adjustments Total Stratospheric Adjustments Model Source GFDL Soden et al. 2008 CAWCR (R. Colman) ECHAM5 Previdi 2010 ECHAM6 Block and Mauritsen 2013 NCAR CESM1.1 A. Pendergrass HadGEM2 C. Smith ECMWF G. Myhre

8 Zonal-mean Atmospheric Radiative Kernel Differences

9 Zonal-mean Atmospheric Radiative Kernel Differences

10 Downwelling component to Surface KTs

11 Downwelling component to Surface KTs

12 Impacts of Resolution Four lowest model levels of surface flux air temperature kernel.

13 Impacts of Resolution Clear-Sky Atmospheric flux air temperature radiative kernels: Original radiative kernel (solid line) Fu-Liou RTM + CMIP5 base climate on original kernel model levels (Dashed line)

14 Ensemble of CMIP5 Base Climates

15 CloudSat Radiative Kernels
Observational Kernels from 2B-FLXHR-LIDAR: Input Source Cloud Properties CloudSat, CALIPSO Temperature, Humidity ECMWF Reanalysis Surface Albedo MODIS, AMSR-E Aerosol Properties CALIPSO TOA Response W/m2/K/100hPa

16 Conclusions Atmospheric radiative kernels large in magnitude and spread near or at the surface. Differing radiative transfer models and different base climates both contribute to radiative kernel differences between modeling sources Downwelling issue in surface component of KT Impacts of vertical resolution

17 What can cause Radiative Kernel Differences?
1. Radiative transfer model differences 2. Model base climate biases DeAngelis et al. 2015

18 Same Base Climate, Different RTM

19 Same Base Climate, Different RTM
SFC KTs nearly identical

20 Feedback-Forcing Framework
SW s Feedbacks Temperature Water Vapor Surface Albedo Clouds Rapid Adjustments Temperature Water Vapor Surface Albedo Clouds Rapid adjustments: An increase in CO2, for example, will instantaneously change radiative heating in the atmosphere, which can lead to tropospheric warming, changes in stratification, convection etc, which will induce a radiative response that can be felt at the TOA or Surface. LW Fig. adapted from Sherwood et al. 2015

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