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Kimberlee Wolfersteig

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1 Kimberlee Wolfersteig
Polar Bears By: Stephen Williams Kimberlee Wolfersteig

2 Classification K - Animalia P - Chordata C - Mammalia O - Carnivora
F - Ursidae G - Thalarctos S - maritimus

3 How Large Does A Polar Bear Get?

4 How Large Does A Polar Bear Get
The male will grow 2 to 3 times larger than the female . He weighs in at about pounds. He will also grow to about 7 to 8 feet in length. The female weighs about 150kg to 250kg. Quite a bit smaller than a male. When pregnant she will however make it up to about 500kg in weight. A cub will weigh anywhere from 454 to 680 grams and about 30 cm long.

5 Where Does A Polar Bear Live

6 A polar bear lives in the Tundra
They are usually found on the coast of Greenland, the Northern-most areas of North America, and Asia Polar bears rarely venture inland

7 Life - Span

8 In the wild a polar bear can live anywhere from 15 to 30 years.
Life - Span In the wild a polar bear can live anywhere from 15 to 30 years. A polar bear lives up to 70 years in captivity.

9 What Does A Polar Bear Eat

10 What Does A Polar Bear Eat
1. Polar bears feed mainly on ringed seals and bearded seals. Depending upon their location, they also eat harp and hooded seals and scavenge on carcasses of beluga whales, walruses, narwhals, and bowhead whales. 2. On occasion, polar bears kill young walruses and beluga whales. 3. When other food is unavailable, polar bears eat reindeer, small rodents, seabirds, ducks, fish, eggs, vegetation , berries, and human garbage.

11 Reproduction

12 How polar bears reproduce
Mating takes place every other year. It takes place during the mid summer months. Polar bears give birth to at least one to four cubs. Their gestation last from a period of one to six months.

13 Overview

14 Overview This great white sea bear the ice pack and coasts of the Arctic ocean, all the way around the earth. A polar bear is a powerful swimmer. They have been spotted many miles at sea, swimming to one iceberg to another.

15 Overview A polar bear has a keen eye sight and a very sharp sense of smell, this helps them be an expert hunter. This sea bear will stalk his prey and when hungry enough he/she will attack man.





20 Bibliography

21 Bibliography
Pictures from: The New Book Of Knowledge Encyclopedia Americana

22 The End

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