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Croeso Year 6 Parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Croeso Year 6 Parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Croeso Year 6 Parents

2 UNIFORM and EQUIPMENT Blazers are a compulsory part of school uniform in September. Ties worn to the neck (with 4 dragons showing) Shirts tucked in

X No boots X No canvas X No coloured stripes,logos or soles on show

with no coloured logos or stripes Some suggestions…

with no coloured logos or stripes Some suggestions… SHOES – ALL BLACK LEATHER with no coloured logos or stripes

6 Sets the standard for the day level playing field for all
No denim or jeans UNIFORM Why? Sets the standard for the day level playing field for all Easy ,practical, comfortable You represent Dinas Brân Look smart, act smart No skin tight trousers or leggings

7 No Hoodies to be worn in school
– they will be confiscated!

8 Jewellery = one stud in each ear and a wristwatch

9 Equipment - 2 pens , 2 pencils, sharpener, ruler, calculator ,rubber
inside a pencil case (£1.10)

10 A sensible school bag that can hold A4 books
A calculator is essential for many subjects including maths and science (£5.30) Students must have their planner with them during lesson time

11 Communication Please do not hesitate to contact school with any issues... Phone Letter (to the headteacher) Or make an appointment to come in for a chat FROG VLE Homework set on it Check progress lesson by lesson Y6 Parents’ FROG training /password – Mon 8th September

12 School website and twitter

13 Homework Set regularly on FROG VLE and recorded in planners. Students will need a quiet, well lit spot to work approximately 1 hour each night on homework. School Learning Zone is open every day until 4.30pm. Any problems – contact Learning Manager or teacher Lunchtime Lunch is at 1:20 – 2:10pm everyday A healthy meal is available (for around £2.10) Students pay for food using the biometric system – finger mapping (not prints)

14 Parents’ Evening Thursday 13th November 2014 – with Form Tutors Thursday 26th March 2015 – with all subject teachers Assessment of Pupil Progress (APPs) Summary report on progress toward target grade End of autumn, spring and summer half term Annual Report 3rd July 2015

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