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Specific Local Conditions Proposed Interventions

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1 Specific Local Conditions Proposed Interventions
Our Safe Way Logic Model Anticipated Outcomes Specific Local Conditions Proposed Interventions Engage businesses in cleanup Use CPTED to increase natural surveillance and territorial definition of vast Safeway parking lot and other high crime/nuisance locations Provide business-watch support & education on trespass agreements Provide outreach & education to unlicensed vendors Establish SPD designated Safeway & increase beat patrols “Activate” Mapes Walkway-Safeway parking lot with events & activities Short-term Increased business w/ trespass agreements Decrease in open illegal economic activity Increased pedestrian presence & w/merchants & police in guardianship role Increase partnership projects w/ youth & merchants People don’t communicate & are reluctant to report crime due to fear, distrust of police or cultural barriers Open black market economy in parking lot, overflowing dumpsters, graffiti signals neglect, tolerance for illegal activity Design of plaza limits natural surveillance Absence of active place managers outside businesses Problem Statement Theft Assaults Long-term Increased perception of safety Decrease theft & assaults Improved community image

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