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Enquiry: Why were they punished so harshly?

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Presentation on theme: "Enquiry: Why were they punished so harshly?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enquiry: Why were they punished so harshly?

2 What do you think is happening in this 17th century picture?

3 Were you correct? Listen to the description of this event.

4 Why were these men punished so harshly?

5 What is your hypothesis
I think these men are being treated so harshly because…

6 Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…
Uncertain Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…

7 Has your hypothesis changed?
Why were these men punished so harshly? Study clues 1 and 2. Has your hypothesis changed? Source 1 has/has not changed my mind because….. Source 2 has/has not changed my mind because

8 Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…
Uncertain Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…

9 Has your hypothesis changed?
Why were these men punished so harshly? Study clues 3 and 4 Has your hypothesis changed? Source 3 has/has not changed my mind because….. Source 4 has/has not changed my mind because

10 Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…
Uncertain Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…

11 Has your hypothesis changed?
Why were these men punished so harshly? Study clues 5 - 8 Has your hypothesis changed? Source 5 has/has not changed my mind because….. Source 6 has/has not changed my mind because

12 Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…
Uncertain Possibly, probably, not sure, maybe, perhaps, sure, certain…

13 Why were these men punished so harshly?
Study your final clue, clue 9

14 On the night of November 4th 1605, a man, Guido Fawkes, was discovered in a cellar beneath the Houses of Parliament. He was standing guard over several barrels of gunpowder. The intention was to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th. Guido Fawkes was an explosives expert who had served in the Spanish army. Fawkes was one of a Catholic group who wanted to see the King replaced with a Catholic monarch. The members of the group were - Robert Catesby, Guido (Guy) Fawkes, Thomas Winter, John Wright and Thomas Percy The group recruited others who were sympathetic to their cause. One of the recruits was Francis Tresham whose brother in law Thomas Monteagle was a Member of Parliament. Tresham was worried about his brother-in-law’s safety and sent him a letter warning him not to go to parliament. Monteagle alerted the authorities. Fawkes was arrested and after being tortured he revealed the names of the other conspirators. Guido Fawkes made a signed confession. Catesby and Percy were killed resisting arrest. The others were tried for treason, found guilty and executed.

15 Your task is to write a detailed caption for this image to go in a new textbook.
You need to include: Who these people are? What has happened to them? Why they are being punished in this way?

16 But were they even guilty? Were they framed, or were they set up?

17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Theory 1: Of course the meddling Catholics did it Theory 2: Cecil found out early and let it brew for dramatic effect Theory 3: Cecil hatched the plan and strung the Catholics along so he could totally frame them

18 Evidence that suggest they were framed
They were set up /10 Why have I given it this rating? James I’s chief minister, Robert Cecil was a Protestant who hated Catholics. If he did a good job and saved the King he would be in the Kings good books. Francis Tresham may have been a spy working for Cecil. All available supplies of gunpowder were kept in the Tower of London, only very important people could gain access to it and the conspirators could not have smuggled 20 barrels into the country secretly. Tresham’s brother-in-law Lord Monteagle received the warning letter at night. The only night of 1605 that he was at home. Could he have been waiting for it? Why with two weeks warning did he stop eating dinner and deliver it straight to Cecil? The cellar was rented to the conspirators by a close friend of Robert Cecil. The signature on Guy Fawkes' confession did not match his normal signature. Francis Tresham was not executed. The Government knew about the plot for two weeks but did not search the cellar underneath Parliament until the night before. Guy Fawkes was there. The Government released a story saying the conspirators were digging a tunnel but there is no evidence to show this was the case.

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