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Social Studies 7 D. McKean

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1 Social Studies 7 D. McKean
Poverty Social Studies 7 D. McKean

2 What is the poverty rate in Canada?
1 in 10 people

3 Poverty in Canada is one of the HIGHEST of the wealthiest industrialized nations.

4 What is Poverty? Standard of living – “buying power” of family
Ability to meet basic needs – cost= higher than income

5 What is Poverty? Poverty Getting By A Chance to Get Ahead


7 Activity

8 Write/ Draw a Personal Response
“As a person who has experienced poverty, it’s very hard to find nice ways to put what poverty feels like… Poverty hurts.” ~ Beverly Halls, a single mother of a child with disabilities

9 Write/ Draw a Personal Response
“Poverty affects your identity. It shapes the chances you have and the things you think you can become. That’s why many of us stress the need for youth to have better access to things that will better their lives, like education, computers, support and acceptance.” ~ Dawn, a participant in a conference for youth

10 Share Personal Responses

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