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Galatians 3.

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1 Galatians 3

2 Review Paul is an apostle called by God.
The Galatians shouldn’t be enticed by “another gospel” – the one taught by the Judaizers. He didn’t receive his gospel from men. Paul is on par with the other apostles Justification is by faith and not the Law of Moses

3 God’s Dealings With Man
Cain and Abel 1 John 3:12 not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous. Noah – Genesis 6:5-9 Children of Israel – Deuteronomy 30:11-21 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 2:5-8 There is no getting out of obedience! 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 James 2:19, 24

4 3:1-9, Justification By Faith
3:1, foolish for not obeying the truth. 3:2, Received the Spirit by the “hearing of faith” Ephesians 5:18-19, Colossians 3:16 3:3, Spirit vs. Flesh = Law of the Spirit vs. Law of Moses; Romans 8:2

5 3:1-9, Justification By Faith
3:4, Persecution from Judaizers Antioch, Acts 13:50 Iconium, Acts 14:5 Lystra, Acts 14:19 3:5-9, Abraham had an obedient faith. James 2:21-23, cf. Genesis 12:8, 13:3-4, 15:6 Abraham was justified 430 years before the Law of Moses. Cf. 3:26-29; Mark 16:15-16

6 3:10-14, The Law Brings A Curse
V. 10, quotes Deuteronomy 27:26 They had enjoined perfect law keeping on themselves. V , quotes Habakkuk 2:4 and Leviticus 18:5 V , quotes Deuteronomy 21:23, cf. 2 Cor. 5:21 Blessing IN Christ.

7 Coffman on 3:14 Through faith ... Every scholar on earth knows that the article precedes 'faith' in this place in the Greek New Testament, and that the only honest translation is 'through the faith,' meaning through the Christian religion. See Emphatic Diaglott, Nestle Greek Text, or any dependable Greek-English rendition of the New Testament. Foy E. Wallace also pointed this out. The attempted perversion of the meaning of this chapter is so extensive as to be phenomenal. The last thing on earth that this passage could mean is that the Gentiles shall be saved through trust/faith alone, which by any definition can be nothing but a subjective personal experience without any merit or trustworthiness whatever.

8 3:15-18, The Changeless Promise
The Covenant with Abraham didn’t include the Law of Moses. It is in his Seed (Christ) where the promise is fulfilled. If it were by keeping the Law of Moses, the promise would have been countermanded.

9 3:19-25, The Purpose of the Law
V. 19, cf. Romans 3:19-20 V. 20, the meaning is unclear, cf. 2 Peter 3:16

10 Coffman on 3:20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one; but God is one. This writer will spare the reader any exegesis of this verse. The full or even approximate meaning of it is unknown; and as proof of that, it must be pointed out that Huxtable said there are literally hundreds of interpretations; : McGarvey said, 'This verse has been interpreted in more than three hundred ways; : and Ridderbos declared that 'There are four hundred and thirty interpretations of Gal. 3:20.' : It only remains to be added that this writer has never seen an interpretation of it that is wholly satisfactory.

11 3:19-25, The Purpose of the Law
V. 21, The Law is good, but people aren’t. cf. Genesis 6:12 V , The Law forces the conclusion that all are sinners and in need of the faith of Christ. Romans 1:5, 16:26

12 3:26-29, Sons and Heirs V , We are sons of God by faith, not by faith only. v. 27 – FOR Gar, Strong’s G1063 Thayer says “a particle of affirmation and conclusion, denoting truly, therefore, verily as the case stands…” V. 28, The Jew/Gentile distinction is irrelevant, and the removal of that distinction extends even further than that. We are ALL justified in the same way.

13 Coffman on 3:29 Huxtable has this pertinent observation on this final verse of the chapter: Those who believe in Christ and are baptized in him are to be understood as here being affirmed to be 'Abraham's seed,' because, being clothed with Christ, they share his position. 'Heirs ...' They are heirs, not of Abraham, but of God; for the idea connects to that of the sonship to God (Galatians 3:26), of believers in Christ.

14 Be Saved Tonight! Believe – John 8:24 Confess – Matthew 10:32-33
Repent – Luke 13:3 Be Baptized – Mark 16:16 Be Faithful – Revelation 2:10

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