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Prof. Jhi-Joung Wang, M.D., Ph.D, Jen-Yin Chen M.D., Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Jhi-Joung Wang, M.D., Ph.D, Jen-Yin Chen M.D., Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Care Promotion: Better Method for Preventing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Prof. Jhi-Joung Wang, M.D., Ph.D, Jen-Yin Chen M.D., Ph.D. Chi-Mei Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan 2016/11/7-9

2 Standford university medical center, questionnaire 101 patients
Which Clinical Anesthesia Outcomes Are Important to Avoid? The Perspective of Patients Standford university medical center, questionnaire 101 patients


4 Chi-Mei Publications on Prevention of PONV
Dexamethasone effectively prevent PONV。 21 publications SCI:19 publications Non-SCI: 2 publications Original clinical paper:17 Basic research:1 Review:1 Original clinical paper: 2

5 List of 21 publications

6 17 publications were cited in an important meta-analysis paper
*60 high-quality trials selected. *17/60 =28% from our studies

7 *60 RCTs were enrolled *17/60 =28% from our team

8 Our works contribute to the consensus guideline for PONV prevention
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2014


10 This set of guidelines have been officially endorsed by the following societies:
American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants American Association of Nurse Anesthetists American Society of Anesthesiologists American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Chinese Society of Anesthesiology CongresoLationoamericano de Sociedades de Anestesia European Society of Anaesthesiology Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists Singapore Society of Anaesthesiologists South African Society of Anaesthesiologists

11 Cited by Miller’s Anesthesia PONV Chapter

12 4/9 citations in this section

13 163. Ho CM, et al. : Dexamethasone has a central antiemetic mechanism in decerebrated cats, Anesth Analg 99: , 2004. 166. Wang JJ, et al: The use of dexamethasone for preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting in females undergoing thyroidectomy: a dose-ranging study, Anesth Analg 91: , 2000. 167. Wang JJ, et al: Dexamethasone prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting after epidural morphine for post-cesarean analgesia, Can J Anaesth 48: , 2001. 168. Wang JJ, et al: The effect of timing of dexamethasone administration on its efficacy as a prophylactic antiemetic for postoperative nausea and vomiting, Anesth Analg 91: , 2000.

14 Invited to write an review article by EJP

15 Application to clinical service for patient controlled analgesia associated nausea and vomiting
Target patients:those who using PCA after surgeries Significant Improvement after 4 PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycles

16 Application of CICARE program to our PCA service
Connect with Compassion Introduce Communicate Ask with Discovery Respond with Respect to patient Exit with Excellence

17 Preanesthetic visit: Apfel risk factor score

18 Anesthetic planning Droperidol、Ondansetron PCA


20 Flow chart for visiting PCA patients
Patients using PCA Twice visits per day Stable If SpO2<94﹪ ,RR<=8/min,heart rate ≧110 beats/min) Continue 2 visits/ day as schedule Inform anesthesiologist, ward nurse and surgeon Stable Close follow up Follow up Close case after 3 day service Assessment and treatment Input to database

21 Dexamethasone and Droperidol Apfel score and Ondansetron

22 Lower PONV incidence than other medical centers:

23 Chi-Mei Medical Center : 15.8 %
Author year PONV % Center Koh et al., 2016 22.4 Yonsei University Yang, et al., 2012 33 Seoul University Tetsunaga et al., 2012 26.7 Okayama University Wakasugi et al., 2015 26.5 Far-Eastern, TPE

24 Chi-Mei Medical Center : 15.8 %
Author year PONV % Center Dagtekin et al., 2014 23 Cologne University Apfel, et al., 2004 22 Europe Apfel et al., 2012 37 USA, 12 centers Gan et al., 2009 32 Duke University Jellish et al., 2009 29 Loyola University

25 Taiwan: PCA associated PONV
2012 NTU 2010 Far Eastern 25.7%

26 PONV in Yonsei University
2015 Korean PONV 22.4%

27 PONV Yonsei University
2013 Korean PONV 25%

28 PONV in Seoul University
2013 Korean

29 PONV in Osaka University
period Placebo Prevention 0-6 31% 22% 6-24 18% 15% 0-24 49% 37%

30 Christian C. Apfel Europe PONV: 1731 of 5161 patients (34%) 28% 22%


32 Duke university: Gan, Tong J
31.4% PONV after combiantion prophylaxis

33 A prospective multicenter study of 2,170 adults undergoing general anesthesia at ambulatory surgery centers in the United States. The overall incidence of PONV was. 37% Apfel CC, Philip BK, Cakmakkaya OS, et al: Who is at risk for postdischarge nausea and vomiting after ambulatory surgery? Anesthesiology 117: , 2012.

34 Conclusion

35 Thank you

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