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What is a Speech? Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Speech? Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a Speech? Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

2 Speeches: A persuasive speech is formal or informal talk.
Its purpose is to convince members of an audience that they should follow a certain course of action or accept a particular belief or position. A persuasive speech usually combines clear logic (or factual evidence) with emotional appeals to make a convincing argument. Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

3 Basic Structure: Introduction: Identifies the topic and purpose
States the thesis and sets the tone Begins with a question, quotation, challenge, anecdote, song, or poem Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

4 Basic Structure: Body:
Provides information/evidence that supports the speaker’s purpose/thesis Organizes points in order of increasing importance or impact Uses facts and figures, examples, analogies, anecdotes, reasons, comparisons, quotations, visual aids Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

5 Basic Structure: Body: Considers the audience’s values and ideals
Challenges the audience to act; gives realistic goals or actions for the audience Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

6 Basic Structure: Conclusion:
Leaves the audience with a clear, strong message Summarizes Restates the thesis Motivates the audience to act Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

7 Make it Memorable By: Using short paragraphs with a lot of pauses
Linking ideas clearly with transition words Repeating key words/phrases for emphasis Using parallel sentence structure Using rhetorical questions to reinforce a point or lead to a conclusion Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

8 Good luck. Mr. Mehrotra EWC 4U0

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