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Analyzing language SpringBoard 7 1.6.

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1 Analyzing language SpringBoard 7 1.6

2 Learning Targets Analyze the language of a personal narrative to determine how language shapes character and events Analyze for multiple incidents and responses to determine effects

3 Quickwrite What choices do you make at school?
Think about all of the choices you can make in a school day What types of consequences can you face as a result of your choices at school?

4 Vocabulary Sensory details Figurative language Characterization

5 During Reading Mark the text for examples of sensory details and figurative language the author uses for characterization Think about how the author’s language choices help develop the characters, setting and events Mark incidences with an “I” and responses with an “R”

6 After reading (on Handout)
From what point of view is this text written? How do you know? How does the authors use of vivid language help you understand what is happening in the story? What is the metaphor in paragraph 14? How does it help to characterize Mrs. Conway and show her relationship to the narrator? What is Mrs. Conway’s response to Walter’s reading comic books? How is her response significant to her relationship with Walter? What do you notice about how the dialogue is punctuated. What are the most significant choices each of the main characters in this pair of narrative chapters make? What expectations does Mr. Lasher have of Walter that Walter does not have of himself?

7 After Reading What were the consequences of the choices the characters in this narrative made?

8 How did paying attention to the use of sensory language in “Bad Boy” help you better visualize and understand the characters and events?

9 Craft: Creating Coherence and Sentence Variety
What do you notice about the transitions used in “Bad Boy”, and how are they punctuated? What are some transitions that you could use in a narrative? Look for the parallel structures in the sentences on page 27 Underline the terms that are parallel Finish the sentence using parallel structure: By the end of the story, Walter…

10 Narrative Writing Prompt
Take out the personal narrative that you wrote for section 1.4 Rewrite the narrative, adding the following elements: Use transitions to organize the incident, response and reflection Use sensory details and/or figurative language Incorporate parallel sentence structure and dialogue

11 Personal Narrative FeedBack
INCIDENT – I time you made a CHOICE that had a CONSEQUENCE NOT about your trip to Legoland, how your parents got you a laptop, or about a random experience from your life Focus on the CHOICE or DECISION you made Use sensory details and figurative language! RESPONSE – Thoughts, feeling actions What did you DO/THINK/FEEL after making the choice? Be detailed – use sensory details and figurative language! REFLECTION – What did you learn? Why was the experience memorable?

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