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English Communication

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1 English Communication
R/W Unit 6-1


3 Franz Kafka July 1883 – 3 June 1924 born into a middle-class, German-speaking Jewish family in Prague trained as a lawyer and worked at an insurance company most works were published posthumously, mostly by his friend Max Brod contrary to his will regarded by critics as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century Existentialism : the themes of alienation, physical and psychological brutality, parent–child conflict, characters on a terrifying quest, labyrinths of bureaucracy, and mystical transformations. The Metamorphosis, The Castle, The Trial

4 Rewrite the main ideas. 1. Gregor dreams he has become an insect.
Gregor has become an insect. 2. His family thinks it’s funny when they see Gregor. His family is terrified to see Gregor. 3. Only his mother takes care of him, and she eventually stops. Only his sister takes care of him, and she eventually stops. 4. He dies in the living room as he thinks of his job. He dies in his room as he thinks about his family. 5. His family feels helpless when he dies.  His family feels relieved when he dies.

5 Comprehension Questions
1. What did Gregor do for a living?  He was a traveling salesman. 2. Why couldn’t Gregor quit his job even though he hated it?  He had to support his family. 3. Why did his manager visit Gregor’s house?  He came to see why he was late for work. 4. Why was his family frightened to see Gregor?  His family was frightened because they realized that he had become an insect.

6 5. Why did his father began to beat up Gregor with a walking stick and a newspaper?
 He wanted to make Gregor go back into his room. 6. What did Gregor began to do after he grew tired of being in his bedroom day and night?  He took to walking back and forth across the walls and ceiling of the room. 7. Why did Gregor's sister move most of the furniture out of Gregor's room?  She wanted to make more walking space for Gregor. 8. What did Gregor's family do after Gregor was found dead?  After a long time, they took a train ride together and made plans for the future.

7 Study questions No characters, Gregor included, try to determine why and how Gregor transformed into a bug and how to cure him. What does this suggest about Gregor’s transformation and how does it affect the reader’s interpretation of the story? How does Gregor’s personality change after his metamorphosis, and how does it remain the same? Why does he cling to the picture of the woman in furs?




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