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Assessing Risk in Sport

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1 Assessing Risk in Sport
Legal and Regulatory factors

2 European court of justice
Structure of the British courts system European court of justice

3 Legal Factors An Overview
Statutory Law: Laws laid down by a Governing authority Civil Law: Legal action that does not involve the Police Case Law: A person or company being prosecuted and/or sued in a similar manner to a previous case

4 Legal Factors: The Court System in Britain
Magistrates Court: Lowest Court dealing with minor criminal matters. Crown Court: Deals with serious criminal charges. Supreme Court: This is the highest court in England. Civil Law: Legal action that does not involve the Police Case Law: A person or company being prosecuted and/or sued in a similar manner to a previous case

5 In loco parentis Duty of Care Higher duty of care Negligence
When running a sports tournament or Play scheme you will need to consider In loco parentis Duty of Care Higher duty of care Negligence

6 Regulatory Bodies A number of regulatory bodies have been set up to help Police employers and facilities so that they adhere to appropriate legislation. The health and safety commission is in charge of health and safety regulation in the UK. The Health and Safety Executive and local authorities are responsible for enforcing these regulations. Staff from these organisations will inspect facilities and speak to staff to ensure the facility is being run appropriately. If the facility is not being run in accordance with legislation, it will be given actions to address within a set time period, or the facility may even be closed down until it is able to show that it meets health and safety guidelines

7 The Regulatory Body: The Health and Safety Executive
Roles of the HSE Inspects work place Provides public information and causes of ill health Investigates accidents Standards Enforces Safety Statement Prosecution Undertakes Research

8 Sports Governing Bodies

9 The Local Authority

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