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Cell Differentiation Stem cells have the potential to become any

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Differentiation Stem cells have the potential to become any"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Differentiation Stem cells have the potential to become any
type of specialized cell.


3 Want to know how this happens

4 Within a few weeks after fertilization, stem cells
become committed to develop into only one type of cell (cell determination). Example: stem cell  neuron

5 Committed cells acquire the structures and
functions of specialized cells (cell differentiation).

6 Committed cells retain all of the genetic
information. During determination they loose their ability to express some of this information. Differentiation occurs because only specific genes are turned on and off.

7 Committed cells retain all of the genetic

8 During determination they loose their ability to
express some of this information. Gene Expression

9 Differentiation occurs because only specific
genes are turned on and off.

10 Do you know what a TERATOMA is

11 Teratoma: A tumor made up of a tissues that come form all three germ layers contains various kinds of embryonic tissue, such as hair , teeth, muscles, bone and in rare cases organs such as eye, torso, hands, feet, or other limbs can be created in the lab by injecting stem cells into mice can be used to study cell differentiation

12 Teratoma tissue

13 Embryoid Bodies spherical colonies of cells resembling embryos
cultured from embryonic stem cells in the lab after several days cells start to differentiate cells begin to a limited extent to recapitulate embryonic development serve as a good model to study early embryonic cell diferentiation

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