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Kari Kataja, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)

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Presentation on theme: "Kari Kataja, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)"— Presentation transcript:

1 21.9.2016 Kari Kataja, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)
July 20, 2018 Three FUAS-universities of applied sciences using Kaltura-service together in Finland Kari Kataja, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)

2 Content Author FUAS Background Our solution Implementation project
Content Author FUAS Background Our solution Implementation project Results and some statistics Kari Kataja

3 Author Kari Kataja Information Systems Manager at Häme University of Applied Sciences M. Sc. in Engineering, Economics and Computer Science Kari Kataja

4 What is FUAS? An alliance of three independent universities of applied sciences, UAS Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Lahti UAS Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Laurea. Operates in the Greater Helsinki Metropolitan Area Uusimaa, Päijät-Häme, Kanta-Häme, and Southern Pirkanmaa. About students, some staff Kari Kataja

5 FUAS-vision & Strategy
July 20, 2018 FUAS-vision & Strategy FUAS-vision 2020 “FUAS enables the member institutions to offer the students high quality education and the broadest range of study opportunities throughout the academic year.” FUAS-strategy “The Virtual Campus increases the studies offered digitally, regardless of time and place, and it provides students with tailored study paths.” Kari Kataja

6 Starting point for our project
Starting point for our project FUAS Campus (virtual campus, eCampus) Compiles the online studies, the learning platforms and the shared video platform. Flipped classroom  Kari Kataja CC-BY-SA Kari Kataja

7 Starting point for our project
Starting point for our project The old system (YouTube) was not good enough. There were some critical problems: Copyright and ownership challenges Integration to other systems It was not possible to share the videos within FUAS. => Need for better FUAS video platform We made enterprise architecture work in order to find out our needs. Kari Kataja

8 The solution Kaltura offered by Nordunet => Funet (CSC)
The solution Kaltura offered by Nordunet => Funet (CSC) FUAS pilot in Finland Kaltura structure for FUAS: One Kaltura Management Console (KMC) for FUAS Separated KMS (Kaltura Media Space) for every institution. Kari Kataja

9 Kaltura users Teachers and students Guests Administrators
Kaltura users Shibboleth (Haka) autentication Teachers and students, KMS Learning management systems (LMS) Guests, KMS, KMS KMC – Kaltura management console Administrators Kari Kataja CC-BY-SA Kari Kataja

10 Kaltura components HAMK Laurea Lahti UAS KMC KAF (Moodle) KAF (Moodle)
HAMK Laurea Lahti UAS KMC KAF (Moodle) KAF (Moodle) KMC=Kaltura Management Console KMS= Kaltura Media Space KAF= Kaltura Application Framework KMS KMS KMS Quiz Quiz Quiz YouTube application YouTube application YouTube application Mobile App Mobile App Mobile App Kari Kataja

11 Challenges We had 6 organizations in our project: 3*UAS, CSC, Nordunet and Kaltura We were piloting the Kaltura service in Finland The roles (CSC, Nordunet, Kaltura) were not clear for us. Agreements were not ready It was not easy to understand how we should use channels and categories etc. in Kaltura. Roskilde University helped us a lot. Many thanks to Michael Pedersen. Version upgrade took time Current Kaltura YouTube application has some issues and mobile app is not working (HTML5 works) How to share the videos within FUAS? It took a lot of time to find the solution. At the moment sharing the videos is done manually. How to encourage teachers to share videos in FUAS level? How to encourage teachers to use CC licensing? Administrators are manipulating Categories in Kaltura manually (once / day). Kari Kataja CC-BY-SA Kari Kataja

12 Our project Enterprise architecture Agreement negotiations
Our project 7/2015 10/2015 1/2016 4/2016 7/2016 10/2016 Enterprise architecture Agreement negotiations Testing, configuring Piloting Productions Development continues Kari Kataja

13 Some thoughts about our solution
Some thoughts about our solution Huge amount of work needed: We had 9 members in our project group Modified Scrum method: Weekly meetings (20+) + smaller workshops + steering group meetings (5) + meetings with CSC / Nordunet / Kaltura / Roskilde University. Trust! We need to trust to each other Administrators can see all videos Consensus We have the same Metadata structure Some of the applications have to be same (because we have just one Kaltura Management Console) Creative commons –licensing Term and conditions Change management Kari Kataja

14 Custom metadata: Share with FUAS and License
Custom metadata: Share with FUAS and License Kari Kataja CC-BY-SA Kari Kataja

15 Some statistics about the pilot (= summer studies)
Some statistics about the pilot (= summer studies) The amount of the entries (mainly videos, including testing material): 807 Sharing inside of FUAS: 77 videos Sharing FUAS and public: 35 videos CC-license: 321 videos All rights reserved: 219 videos 706 media entries were played 5,517 times Minutes viewed: 210:51:09 Kari Kataja

16 Results We have positive feeling. Especially we like:
Results We have positive feeling. Especially we like: Quiz, which gives us a new way of using the videos CaptureSpace lite helps us to make new videos Easy tool for beginners: recording screen and web camera, basic editing and uploading Strong Moodle integration Positive feedback from teachers. However, the system is not YouTube. The group of pedagogical and IT experts is collecting the data. They recommend practices and procedures to video-assisted learning in FUAS Campus. Kari Kataja

17 Questions? ? Kari Kataja

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