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VDP Solar PV Water System

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Presentation on theme: "VDP Solar PV Water System"— Presentation transcript:

1 VDP Solar PV Water System
and Solar PV Water System By Sirikant Panchasarp

2 Corporate Social Responsibility
Poverty Eradication as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 2

3 A cooperative effort between villagers and local businesses
To help the poor get out of poverty A cooperative effort between villagers and local businesses 3

4 The company acts as a partner to the village in helping the poor get out of poverty.

5 The poor are business people who seek to make a profit

6 business skills access to credit.
but remain poor because they lack business skills and access to credit. Both can be supplemented by the business community and today supporters include individuals and non-business institutions 6

7 into barefoot entrepreneurs
This endeavor aims to turn the poor into barefoot entrepreneurs So that they can afford the basic necessities of life …through the help of the business community 7

8 The only road out of poverty is through business
Because…. The only road out of poverty is through business and not welfare. 8

9 Village Development Partnership Project (VDP)

10 2. Economic Empowerment 1. Community Empowerment Five Key Components
(Establishment of people’s forum) 2. Economic Empowerment (Income generation, business skills and loans) 3. Environmental Protection 4. Youth, Education & Democracy 5. Health Care & Elderly Support 10

An elected Village Development Committee conducts community needs assessment and establishes a village development plan, to be supported and funded by companies

12 Capital funds are provided
To VDB through tree planting, positive health behavior and environmental protection activities

13 Establishment of Village Development Bank

14 Village Development Bank in Operation
Funds required for all activities must come through tree planting Loans cost 12% p.a. 14

15 Loan repayments + interest
VDB Flow Chart Project Partners Village Development Bank Donations Savings Members Interest savings Loans to members Loan repayments + interest Equity Dividends The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

16 Female Village Development Bank manager (Rice farmer)

17 PDA Solar PV Water System

18 Since 2011 PDA promotes the use of solar PV for water
Background PDA has been involved in rural water supply for three decades. A Worldbank/PPIAF Project during showed that: most VPWS by government have purpose of providing drinking water are expensive and have problems of maintenance the ‘water for health and wealth’ approach by PDA is recommended; it installs water systems in cooperation with community members, trains them in O&M as well as income generation. Since 2011 PDA promotes the use of solar PV for water pumping with beneficial effects on villagers’ incomes and the environment. The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

19 Community Solar PV Water Systems
The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

20 Objectives Improve rural water supply by introducing community-based solar powered water systems (SPWS) Decrease water and energy costs, increase income in order to improve quality of life. Strengthen community institutions (village development banks, women and youth groups), provide skills/knowledge and disseminate project results The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

21 Surface and Groundwater SPWS
The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

22 Benefits The benefits of the SPWS are:
low operation and maintenance costs best solution for off-grid rural locations simple, long-lasting, non-polluting and GHG emission free no transportation and storage (battery) costs for fuel/power not susceptible to fluctuating energy prices and supply The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

23 SPWS Training and Support
The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

24 Cost/Income/Savings from SPWS
Price/fee of water is decided by village water committee (VWC) and fluctuates between a low of 2 Baht and a high of 7 Baht. Electricity savings per month fluctuate and are between 1000 Baht and 5000 Baht per month. SPWS enable community to decrease water costs for villagers between 1-2 Baht per cubic meter and/or increase the capital in their village bank. The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

25 Cost / Income /Saving from SPWS
The essential cost item of electricity (or worse: diesel) charges for water pumping is substantially reduced. From gross income collected through water fees, all costs such as management/admin, government/other fees are deducted. The remaining net income is dedicated to various reserve funds such as for maintenance/repair, education and community projects.

26 SPWS for Horticulture, Agriculture, Pig-, Fish-Raising
The Population and Community Development Association (PDA) 26

27 Impacts Socio-economic impacts include:
consolidation of community institutions such as water committee, village development banks and women/youth groups. active participation of villagers in construction and maintenance of SPWS. generation of jobs and income through collection of water/energy fees, water bottling, as well as enhanced agriculture/aquaculture/horticulture production. The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

N G O P D A VILLAGERS V W Committee WATER SUPPLY - households - high-value crops - aquaculture, others Project partners / Donors SOURCES OF FUNDS - water tariffs - surplus from produce, water sales savings diesel/grid SPWS Training Education Supervision Finance Advice Support USES OF FUNDS Administration - loan servicing (principle & interest) - investment (new projects) - Community welfare Village Development Bank

29 Community – Based Integrated Energy Initiatives Project (CBEI)
has been supported by KONRAD Adenauer Stiftung since 2014. Project implementation includes : Trainings to introduce the alternative sources of energy especially renewable energy to the villagers and general people. Regional Networking Forum among AEC countries. The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

30 Trainings on Renewable Energy
In Khon Kaen Province

31 Trainings on Renewable Energy
In Chiangrai Province

32 Trainings on Renewable Energy
Field trips

33 Regional Networking Forum

34 Regional Networking Forum

35 Please visit our Fan Page
Energy AEC Network Feel free to share your project /activities on renewable energy

36 The Population and Community Development Association (PDA)

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