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News Corporation and MySpace– L7

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1 News Corporation and MySpace– L7
Thursday 21st March 2013 Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

2 Aims & Objectives Why? Re-cap prior learning of Rupert Murdoch’s empire What do other people in the Media/society have to say about this mogul? Venture into New Media – in particular Social Media with ‘MySpace’ ‘MySpace’ – Focus on how this relates to the OCR June 2010 paper (Question 4) and how Media Hegemony is changing and how “peer-to-peer sociality” (Boyd ) dictated Murdoch’s move to takeover this booming media product. Review the learning. AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and (AO1) Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products.

5 minutes YOU MUST match the Theorist/key term to the definition. YOU SHOULD Peer assess someone else’s work when we feedback the answers. Stick this is in once completed! IMPORTANT! Referencing in the Exam in the appropriate manner is going to be CRUCIAL!

4 Other areas covered yesterday

5 “..the survival of old fashioned mass media / corporate media power” (OCR) – This is something YOU MUST consider in the exam when giving a case study example like this? Key term: Mediation How media institutions have control and power over media regulation, consumption and production.

6 News Corporation “dominates the planet” (Waters – 1995) and is thus an “aggressive global trailbalzer” (Blau – 2005) Click on Logo to go to website (hyperlink) Outline how this is a prime example of a Media institution who’s dominance will continue to grow and prosper whatever it takes over – or will it?

7 Founded in 2003 by Tom Anderson
In 2005 was purchased by Murdoch’s “Global Trailblazing” (Blau – 2005) News Corporation for $580m Tom Anderson In 2008 was overtaken by another “Global Trailblazer” - Facebook


9 Vs. With the person next to you (Pairs/threes) YOU MUST establish the reasons behind Facebooks popularity over MySpace. YOU SHOULD come up with at least 3 reasons why Facebook outgrew MySpace. YOU SHOULD also tie in some key terms/theory that apply to these reasons.

10 Interview with Founder of MySpace Tom Anderson
THEN…. Interview with Founder of MySpace Tom Anderson You are going to watch an interview with Tom Anderson (Aired in 2007). YOU MUST complete the worksheet and answer the questions as the video is played.


12 NOW…. Why did it fail? The Guardian Article - Further reading
15th January 2013 30th June 2011 Why did it fail?

13 Why did it all go so wrong?

14 Interesting article that outlines some of the 'Gatekeeping' News Corp
Interesting article that outlines some of the 'Gatekeeping' News Corp. tried to enforce on their purchase ($580 million)- for example Connie Chan from 'Chess Media Group' stated that News Corps. "red tape" approach and "old school thinking" lead to the demise. Hyperlink in logo

15 What have you learnt today?

16 Homework! 1) Research the rise of I-Phone & Blackberry –
Find 3 Interesting facts about each media product and evaluate which is more appealing to the consumer and why. 2) REVISE FOR THE EXAM! Due: Tomorrow

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