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Women in the Great War.

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Presentation on theme: "Women in the Great War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in the Great War

2 Women began to work at several jobs like washing laundry, nursing, farming… and some of them went to the front. Some of their works were...

3 Nursing

4 Women played an important role in the war, working as nurses healing the soldiers that were wounded and working as drivers carrying supplies and driving the ambulances.

5 Dressing

6 Dressing stations were used to dress the troops, an example is the dress station in Pervyse, Belgium. Founded by Mairi Chisholm and Elsie Knocker. They even were dressing the wounded until they were gassed.

7 While men were at the front, Britain and the other countries needed an increase of food, so for that reason the women's land army was created Land army women

8 The Legion of Death.

9 Some Russian women joined the army in what was known as the “Legion of Death” to fight for their country.

10 The war had too many diseases and deaths so for that reason women had to become part of the work force

11 After war women received several rights and other social positions.
They received the right to vote That meant a great change in women's rights because they couldn't vote before. And their social position had increased so that they could have more access to jobs.

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