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Special Edition: Dance Exercise for Special Populations

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1 Special Edition: Dance Exercise for Special Populations
Created by Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Company Studio Randi Farrell, OTR Kenyatta Kelly, CPT

2 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC
Learning Objectives 1. Participants will be able to identify the basic components of the dance exercise program. 2. Participants will be able to identify 5 benefits of participation in a consistent exercise program. 3. Participants will be able to identify 3 barriers special needs individuals face when attempting to participate in an exercise program 4. Participants will be able to identify 3 ways Special Edition breaks the barriers of participation in an exercise program for special needs individuals 5. Participants will be able to participate in a presented Special Edition selection. 6. Participants will be able to identify 3 ways to modify a musical selection for two special needs populations Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC

3 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC
Introduction Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC

4 Benefits of a Dance Fitness Program
Improves heart and cardiovascular system Increases lung capacity Facilitates strong bones helping to retard diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis Aids in raising good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol Aids in blood sugar control and therefore helps control diabetes Increases circulation Calorie blaster Improves balance and coordination Improves mental focus Socialization Culturally diverse Affects mood such as decreasing depression, anxiety and stress and increases sense of well-being Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

5 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio
Basics of Dance The Count: American vs. Latin Importance of rhythm Importance of rhythm and emotion when choosing a playlist Variation of music within a class Warm up and cool down should be encouraging and motivating Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

6 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio
Let’s Dance !!! Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

7 Benefits of a Dance Fitness Program for People With a Disability
All the benefits of participating in dance fitness for the general population PLUS: FUN! Uses music and dance to help stimulate the whole brain making it an excellent learning tool Routine and familiar Encourages motor movement Provides a program that doesn’t focus on reduced physical or behavioral skills Provides positive role models and support from others Fosters feelings of success and accomplishment Safe non-judgmental environment Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co Studio

8 Modifications For Varied Populations
When working with any population with medical issues ALWAYS make sure you know the precautions associated with that individual. That is your responsibility! Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

9 General Modifications for Ambulatory Students
Fewer, less complicated steps Slower paced movements Lower impact movements Movements that can be modified up or down Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

10 Modifications for Other Populations:
Non-ambulatory Modify leg movements along with arm movements CVA with hemiparesis Support weaker arm or leg with stronger limb Use less range of motion Use “buddy system” Hip Replacement Depending on the age/type of replacement, restrict hip adduction and flexion Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

11 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio
Let’s Dance !!! Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

12 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio
Summary Fun! Relaxed and Social Environment Varied Music Variable class lengths and breaks within class Make each participant feel special and valued Personalize Class - Take special requests - Create choreography for songs class members’ request - Acknowledge improvements or those working hard during class - Plan special class events - Bring class members up front to teach with you How would you modify for students with………. - Autism - Down Syndrome - CVA with hemiparesis - General Debility Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

13 Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio
Literature Citations Helmer,Jodi, Dancing As A Workout, April 13, 2016. Kawaguchi, Emily, Zumba for People with Down Syndrome, Available from URL: December Lynn, Maggie, Activities Using Music with Down’s Syndrome Children, Available from URL: January 4, 2016. Luettgen, Mary, Foster, C., Doberstein,S., Mikat, R., Porcari, J., (2012), Zumba: Is the “fitness-party” a good workout. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 11, Luettgen, Mary, Foster, C., Doberstein,S., Mikat, R., Porcari, J., (2012), ZUMBA: Sure It’s Fun But Is It Effective? ACE CertifiedNews, September 2012. Top Ten Fitness and Health Benefits of Dancing, editor, April 14, 2016 Yeager,Selene, Woman’s Health Magazine, August, 2012. Special Edition Dance Fitness, LLC and Kenyatta and Co. Studio

14 Randi Farrell, OTR Kenyatta Kelly, CPT Special Edition Dance Fitness Kenyatta & Co. Studio
; N. Fry Rd. Katy Tx

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