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The Shaklee Effect “We came to Shaklee to find a proven business model with stability. What we discovered were world class incentives backed by a trusted.

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Presentation on theme: "The Shaklee Effect “We came to Shaklee to find a proven business model with stability. What we discovered were world class incentives backed by a trusted."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Shaklee Effect “We came to Shaklee to find a proven business model with stability. What we discovered were world class incentives backed by a trusted brand. Over the last 2 years, we’ve taken the best of Shaklee and enhanced it with our own simple turnkey building system. Thanks for letting us share Shaklee with you.”

3 Our Story Jim & Peggy Fulford
Our “Why” is to create a Legacy for our son. We joined Shaklee in February 2013. By June 2013 we qualified for a Shaklee Car, a Dream Trip to the Caribbean, and $4,000 in bonus’. By December 2013, we qualified for a Dream Trip to Mexico, to San Francisco, and another $5,000 bonus. In June 2014, we qualified as Executive Coordinators for a $25,000 bonus and the Top Achievers Trip to Bali. In October 2014, we qualified for a Dream Trip to Maui. Five all-expense paid Trips in under 2 Years!

4 The Shaklee Company Always Safe, Always Work & Always Green
Dr. F. Shaklee Roger Barnett, CEO Founded in 1956 100,000+ tests /year for purity & potency 125 Published Clinical Studies Used by 121 Olympic medalists Used by NASA, the White House & others 1st Climate Neutral Corp. building in USA 100% satisfaction guarantee-all products! Always Safe, Always Work & Always Green













17 The best, most comprehensive nutritional system in the world
Essentials Plan Vitalizing Plan Shaklee Life Plan GOOD BETTER BEST $ $ $219

18 Earn Income: Start with a GOLD Pak
Builders Pack $649/ 500 PV (points) Share Pack $349/250 PV(points) over $700 Value Complete Builder’s Pack $1049 / 750PV (points) over $2,200 Value


20 $69 - $219


22 Customer Appreciation Specials
All Customers / Members / Prospects on the Call get a Free Sample of the Shaklee Life Plan

23 October is our Customer Appreciation Month
You are Special! Thank you for listening to our team call. For members, customers and prospects who joined our October 19, 2015 call, you can enjoy FREE product ... If you place an order of 50 PV or higher through October 31, 2015: Get a Free Vita-Lea Gold (with or without Vitamin K) -or- Enfuselle Moisturizing Cream with any 50 – 99 PV order. Get Both products above with any 100 PV or higher order. Get with the person who invited you to the call with any questions you have and to place your order. Forward your order confirmation to with your product choice and we’ll ship directly to you (separate from your order). Be sure to ask about Shaklee’s FREE shipping (up to $20) on Shaklee Life Plan and some other product orders through November 20!

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