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by Alex Stubbs, Cardiff University

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1 2D modelling of colmation and decolmation processes for river restoration
by Alex Stubbs, Cardiff University Supervisors: Dr Bettina Bockelmann-Evans and Prof. Thorsten Stoesser

2 Research aims
Extend the existing computational 2D model DIVAST to allow the simulation of colmation and decolmation processes and any resulting change in dissolved oxygen levels To further understanding of microscopic turbulent flows in both the near-bed and infiltration zones Utilise new experimental data, obtained using innovative techniques, for model verification and validation To aid the development and assessment of river restoration schemes towards achieving WFD targets

3 Major milestones so far
Completion of extensive literature review Drafting of a review paper Submission to the Journal of Hydrology by the end of June 2017 Poster presentation at the EGU2017 conference held in Vienna during April 2017

4 The plan looking forward
Model Cardiff University’s narrow flume (0.3m wide) using DIVAST Verification and validation data obtained through collaboration with another PhD student undertaking flume experimentation Extend this model to allow colmation and decolmation processes to be simulated Present findings to a targeted conference audience during 2018 Apply model to case study river reaches in South Wales Collaborative work with Natural Resources Wales Analyse findings and complete thesis writing for September 2019 submission

5 In Summary Year 1 – Completed Year 2 – Just starting
Literature review completed Review paper submitted Poster presentation at EGU2017 conference Year 2 – Just starting Extension of DIVAST, validation and verification of model Attendance at field specific conference Application of model to case study scenarios Year 3 – Looking forward Analysis of results Thesis write-up For further information please contact: Alex Stubbs, Cardiff University

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