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34. Pegmatites Dan Barker April 2009 Pegmatites are coarse-

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1 34. Pegmatites Dan Barker April 2009 Pegmatites are coarse-
grained rocks. Most are granitic. 2-meter long quartz and K-feldspar crystals, Althaus pegmatite, Llano Uplift, TX

2 Layers in Althaus pegmatite, TX

3 Coarse core below layers,
Althaus pegmatite, TX

4 "Line rock" in pegmatite, Ramona CA

5 False cleavage in quartz core of pegmatite, Pala, CA

6 Pegmatite and schist, Pemaquid Point ME

7 Pegmatite at contact of Port Mouton granite pluton, Nova Scotia

8 Pegmatite/gneiss contact, Palermo NH

9 Pegmatites in the Painted Wall, Black Canyon of the Gunnison
River, CO

10 Crossing pegmatites, Westerly granite, RI

11 Pegmatite offset by a dike of "aplite" (fine equigranular light-
colored granite), Sparta, GA

12 Small systematically offset
pegmatite in Valley Spring Gneiss, Inks Lake State Park, TX

13 Quartz core and large K-feldspar crystals in pegmatite, Inks
Lake State Park, TX

14 Intersecting pegmatites, Wausau WI

15 Not all pegmatites are granitic. This one consists of sodic
clinopyroxene and alkali feldspar. Nevlunghavn, Norway.

16 The gabbro pegmatite (plagioclase and pyroxenes) on the
right is in a thick basalt flow, Mt Pleasant quarry, NS

17 Gabbro pegmatite with sulfides (arrow), Port Coldwell
Complex, ONT

18 Pegmatite (plagioclase and clinopyroxene) Port Coldwell ONT

19 Another weird pegmatite from the Port Caldwell complex. The red
is altered iron-rich olivine; the rest is plagioclase.

20 Another from the same place; plagioclase and blue amphibole.

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