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Welcome to Mrs. Mullet’s Curriculum Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Mullet’s Curriculum Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Mullet’s Curriculum Night!
Please write a note to your child on the stationary provided and leave it on their desk for a nice morning surprise! Read the attendance policy and sign the sheet and leave on desk

2 All About Me Introduction and background Philosophy of teaching
Positive reinforcement High Expectations Reading is the CORE of Eductaion Community/Teamwork

3 Specialist Schedule All times are at 9:30
Monday: Library (remember books) Tuesday and Thursday: P.E. (Wear the right clothes and shoes) Wednesday and Friday: Music

4 Common Core Our state, along with over 40 states in the US, have adopted the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS). These standards ensure that ALL students learn the same core skills, content, and processes in each grade To align with CCSS, Issaquah School District has been updating and making slight changes to curriculum presently adopted.

5 Literacy A balanced program of: Skill instruction Guided Reading
Shared Reading Independent Reading Read Aloud Home Reading/Reading Log Book Bags

6 Literacy, Continued Lucy Calkins Curriculum and Writer’s Workshop (Genres covered: Narrative, Informational/Explanatory, Opinion, and Poetry) Writing prompts Journals Letter writing Sharing and Oral Presentations

7 Book Bags **First Check out: Thursday, October 6th What are they?
Themed literacy bags for continued reading support on the weekends with activities the whole family can enjoy! Why? We received a grant from the Issaquah Schools Foundation in 2010. -- When? Available for check out each Thursday and returned on Tuesday -- Who? All students are invited to participate but need to have a parent signature by September, 30th. **First Check out: Thursday, October 6th

8 Eureka Math: A Story of Units
A comprehensive curriculum written by a team of teachers and mathematicians who took great care to present mathematics in a logical progression, preparing students to understand advanced math Developed specifically to meet the math standards adopted by our state Connects math to the real world in ways that take the fear out of math and build student confidence Teaches math as a “story” to build students’ mathematical knowledge logically and help them achieve deep understanding This approach can be unfamiliar to those of us who grew up memorizing mathematical facts and formulas

9 Eureka Math: A Story of Units
How Parents Can Help Understand that students are learning math in a way that will prepare them for the higher demands of college and careers today and in the future – focused math skills and real-world, challenging problems Read the Parent Roadmap for your child’s grade level At the beginning of each module, read the Parent Tip Sheet to get an overview of the topics your child will be learning and how you can support this learning at home Recognize that Eureka Math lessons can be customized by teachers to meet the varying needs of students

10 Science and Health Units of Study: Inquiry, Systems, and Application
Changes in Ecosystems (with an emphasis on Wetlands) Body Systems Germs and Nutrition The Sun’s Apparent Daily Motion (Shadows) Force and Motion

11 Social Studies Communities Story Path Career Speakers Map and Globe
Skills Scholastic News Magazine Junior Achievement

12 Field Trips and Special Activities
Wetlands Walk- October 14th The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Carco Theater): Jan. 26th at 1:00 PM 2nd Grade Music Performance: March 3 & 6:30 Science lessons by Science To Go: Changes in Ecosystems Force & Motion Rick Hartman “Force and Motion”- May 17th from 9:30-11 AM (THANK YOU PTA)

13 Homework Policy Weekly homework will include:
Sharing (once every week) Un-Homework choices: Eureka Math worksheets, 2 days a week Reading 15 minutes, 5 out of 7 days Whole-child activities Family involvement Exercise activities

14 Behavior Policy Basic Student Responsibilities & Class Rules (See Parent Survival Handbook) Class Dojo and Brag Tags to reward positive classroom behavior Soaring Eagle – Grade Level Goal Parent Communication Maple Hills Student/Parent Handbook (Please return signature page ASAP!)

15 Assessments and Grading
Math Module Tests Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment (September and March) Writing Post-unit Prompts ITBS Testing (1/18-2/3) CogAT testing (March 7th-16th) Portfolios: Classroom work will be kept here for the year Grading Standards-based: 1, 2, 3, or 4 for academics Social skills: Consistently Often Sometimes Rarely Behavior Progress Report: Trimester 1 only Report cards sent home 3 times a year: Nov. 30th, March 16th, Last day

16 STUDENT-LED Conferences: December 7th & 8th
You must sign up for conferences ONLINE The conferences will run from 8-3:30 each day, with a daily lunch break. Your child IS invited to conferences this year! The students will be presenting their portfolios to you, sharing their learning with pride!

17 Guidelines for a FOUR… What Exceptional IS NOT
Being fast, neat, or just accelerated Just getting all the right answers Persevering, staying on task, or following directions

18 Guidelines for a FOUR… What Exceptional IS
Consistently performing beyond expectations Seeking opportunity to go further Demonstrating depth of thought and application Connecting knowledge or skill to another area Applying knowledge for a new purpose Analyzing concepts Showing multiple applications and/or perspectives Teaching others

19 Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering around the school: Reading Coaches Library check out Misc. Events and Activities through PTA Volunteers in the Classroom: Celebrations and events In class volunteers Junior Achievement (March/April) Please indicate whether you would be willing to share your with our Room Parent

20 Miscellaneous New Attendance Policy – sign and leave the sheet
Blog updated at least once a week Website Purple Folders need to be at school daily Snacks-Please send a clean and healthy snack daily Birthday Policy - No treats please Lunch money- in an envelope with full name and lunch number FERPA/Picture information: Cannot post student pictures from school functions on social media Change of afternoon transportation: Contact office DIRECTLY, please!

21 Questions???

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