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ESPOO Welcome to the City of

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1 ESPOO Welcome to the City of
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2 community – ecosystem – platform
#espooinnovation ESPOO INNOVATION GARDEN community – ecosystem – platform Espoo is a garden of innovation and adventurous experiences - Espoo Innovation Garden innovative, common ways of working and a culture of collaboration and co-creation; it's a communal way of thinking and doing things Keilaniemi-Otaniemi-Tapiola area is the heart of the Innovation Garden, the biggest innovation hub in the Northern Europe home for e.g. Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, headquarters of companies like Kone, Fortum, Neste Oil and Rovio and the hottest Startup Sauna on the planet a total of 5,000 researchers, 25 research and development organisations and a number of Finnish listed companies operate in the area. People of 100 different nationalities working in the area make it a community of strong international character the active centre of science and business is enriched by abundant offering of arts and cultural events science and technology, business, nature, arts and sports all make the Garden flourish Check the story of Espoo Innovation Garden:

3 ASIA EUROPE Finland is the link between Europe, Russia and Asia
Business friendly environment an accessible location functional infrastructure modern logistics and communication networks for international companies and investors.

4 2ND BIGGEST CITY IN FINLAND #espooinnovation Almost 270 000 residents
Thriving business and innovation community, highly educated and digital-savvy population and the City’s commitment to reinforcing its position as a national economic powerhouse, make of Espoo a true European innovation leader #espooinnovation

Espoo is the most sustainable city in Europe, according to an international benchmark study The survey was prepared for the Dutch presidency of the European Union, and it covered more than 140 cities in the EU. The quantitative benchmark study was carried out by Telos, an academic centre for local and regional sustainability studies at Tilburg University in the Netherlands The study showed that measured by the economic, sociocultural and ecological sustainability scores, the growth city of Espoo has managed to maintain its sustainable development. Knowledge, safety and nature were highlighted as Espoo's particular strengths in the study. We were also the first city to take part in Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development, ”The Finland we want by 2050”. Espoo’s development operations focus on climate issues, promoting nature values, and finding innovative mobility and energy solutions. Individual commitments range from promoting social sustainability and compassion between people to reducing food waste at schools and promoting electric public transportation The study measured economic, sociocultural and ecological sustainability Knowledge, safety and nature were highlighted as Espoo's particular strengths in the study

6 growth – investments – jobs – housing
ENABLER growth – investments – jobs – housing within 13 new metro stations, 11 of them are in Espoo the West Metro will be completed by the end of 2020 it will transport over passengers every day the goal is to attract new inhabitants along the new corridor, while the target for employment growth is to increase the number of jobs by 100 % the West Metro line investments are over 1.8 billion euros under the ground, the total investments of over 16 billion euros on the surface as part of this Aalto University invests 350M€ to transform the built environment of the Otaniemi campus to vibrant and interactive environment where work, education, recreational activities meet LocalTapiola Group invests 560M€ in developing the Tapiola area

7 the city structure leaning genuinely towards networked rail traffic will enable the best way to develop Espoo economically, ecologically, socially and culturally the possibilities for public transport and cycling will be improved and they will gain in popularity aim is to decrease the ecological footprint of Espoo residents and commit the city to act as a pioneer in fighting climate change also in the future.

50% of Helsinki Stock Exchange turnover comes from the companies based in Espoo 20 out of Finland’s 100 biggest companies headquartered in Espoo Copyright © KONE Corporation

diverse possibilities in culture, services and sports make the city attractive Culture for everyone: the service enhances cultural services that takes into account engaging and diverse public according to CultureEspoo 2030, culture and art are everywhere in the future: in the everyday life of the residents, in physical urban environment and in identity of the residents in Espoo

- library, Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland), health centre, child health centre, youth services, city service unit & the laboratory and radiology services of HUS 

11 95 lakes – 165 islands – 56 km coastline
GREEN CITY 95 lakes – 165 islands – 56 km coastline

12 20 % of the residents under 15 years old
CITY OF FAMILIES 20 % of the residents under 15 years old proud to be a city of families Espoo is one of the most international cities in Finland Very much thanks to international companies that has already chosen Espoo as their location, and to Aalto University with their international community of students, professors and researchers. the foreign-language population is increasing at a fast pace at the moment, the number of foreign-language residents is close to 30,000, which is expected to double by 2025

13 School isn’t just about walls
SCHOOL AS A SERVICE School isn’t just about walls Rewarded learning city Opinmäki learning centre won international Educating Cities award for improving life quality of citizens. The award was given by International Association of Educating Cities IAE United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO rewarded Espoo in September 2015 for its exemplary progress as a learning city. Espoo recognizes the significance of learning as a foundation of wellbeing and growth of the city and all its residents the City of Espoo invests in education - it's learning results are top of the country school as a service learning environments that support engagement and inspiration in learning they enable transformation of the physical learning spaces by the users and help them claim “ownership” of the learning environment Espoo was the first Finnish city to be elected as a member of the UN university’s RCE network on sustainable development from the beginning of the year 2011 the global RCE (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development ) network promotes the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development the RCE Espoo network was founded to create sustainable development for the residents of the city. In practice this means raising the public awareness of  sustainable development  and of ways to act in a sustainable way, producing services and products which increase the wellbeing of the inhabitants, protecting the diversity of nature, responsibility, participation, sustainable consumption, recycling and energy efficiency

14 Technical Research Centre of Finland
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Thanks to the University of Technology, VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) and later also Aalto University, Espoo is also home to a cluster of science, art and the economy making good use of high technology, innovations and world-class expertise. Keilaniemi comprises several headquarters of major companies and Otaniemi has turned into a breeding ground for young companies. Numerous small local companies from different fields provide services for the residents of the city centres. We are part of the growing metropolitan area. VTT:n Bioruukki: Photo: VTT

15 Over 51% of residents over 24 years old hold
TALENT Over 51% of residents over 24 years old hold a university degree Espoo is not only about youth and growth, but also about excellence proud of our highly-skilled workforce. 51 % of our adult residents hold a university degree it’s an exceptional number in Finland but also internationally a good reason for international investors to invest-in this area talent attracts talent Photo: Aalto University, Adolfo Vera

16 AALTO UNIVERSITY a thriving student community located in and around Aalto university, specialising in science, art, design and business studies in 2009 a few students of Aalto University started an Entrepreneurship Society—Aalto ES—to organize startup activities in Silicon Valley style the incubation and acceleration programmes Summer of Startups and Startup Sauna were born

17 University of Applied Sciences
LAUREA University of Applied Sciences

18 University of Applied Sciences
METROPOLIA University of Applied Sciences


20 STARTUPS the startup scene is booming in Helsinki region
the best student driven accelerator globally, the Startup Sauna, is located in Otaniemi

21 CITY AS A TEST BED the city of Espoo functions as a test bed for new solutions rising from the knowledge and cooperation of various operators preparing a seedbed for creating new jobs and a good strong living environment in the spirit of co-creation with companies, communities and residents increasing joint activities in order to create opportunities for success for the entire country as well as good life for the people living and working in the area helping to find premises for startups

22 supports reaching Energy and
SMART & CLEAN supports reaching Energy and Climate Targets

the best test bed in the world for smart and clean solutions

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