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Nikhef/Bonn LepCol meeting

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1 Nikhef/Bonn LepCol meeting
June 2017 testbeam in Bonn Fred Hartjes NIKHEF Nikhef/Bonn LepCol meeting May 8, 2017

2 Questions Beam parameters? Beam control What do we want to measure?
Kind: electrons Energy: ** GeV?? Minimum rate: 20 kHz?? Profile: ** x ** mm?? Time structure? Beam control Are we main user on June 8 and 9? How much time to interrupt the beam? Minimum number of people required while running? What do we want to measure? Which track angles ?? Which rates ?? How many tracks per run?

3 Time schedule Preparatory visit to beam area Installation start
Friday May 12, noon – 16:00 Installation start ???? Installation end ???? (we need at least 8 hours) Data taking start Thursday, June 8, 12:00 Data taking end Saturday, June 10, 8:00

4 Organisation Who will go from Nikhef? Who will attend from Bonn?
Fred Harry? Kees? Kevin …….? Who will attend from Bonn? Jochem? ……..? Transport of equipment One car will be sufficient Safety issues Dosimeter Safety course / instructions? Organisation

5 Overall setup Support for detector
Platform/table to put things on X-Z stage Manual or remote? Rotary stage Using remote stage of Harry? Support for Xylinx board and stiff ribbon cables Office table for 2 PCs (DAQ + services)

6 Setup in beam area Gas system
Bottle premixed at Nikhef bar T2K (iC4H10/CO2/Ar 2/3/95) non flammable Installed in the vicinity of the detector In leak tray (may not needed) Pipes: 1/8”, almost completely SS Flow ~ 5 ml/min Regulated / measured by mass flow controller / meter Controlled by Labview Already used at CERN (5X) and DESY (2X) (for flammable DME/CO2) Approved by CERN/DESY gas safety officers

7 High voltage Using Nikhef miniHVs Range: 0 to -1000 V Current 0 – 5 µA
Grid Guard Field Range: 0 to V Current 0 – 5 µA Stability ~0.1 nA Sophisticated ramping and trip protection Controlled/supplied by CAN bus Ethernet cables for data transport and power supply SHV cables to detector Controlled by Labview

8 DAQ Triggering Event synchronisation with existing telescope
Scintillators from Bonn? NIM electronics Dead time blocking Event synchronisation with existing telescope Data is collected on two different machines No good agreement in registered time Synchronizing by single pulse at start data taking? Other/better solutions? Gain calibration Best: use value obtained with laser setup (single electron hits on pixels) Use same gas bottle Make correction for atmospheric pressure and temperature

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