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Environmental and Health Assessments

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1 Environmental and Health Assessments
Global Mercury Project Environmental and Health Assessments Summary of Results AJ Gunson Marcello M Veiga Lao PDR, 2003

2 Global Mercury Project
In collaboration with UBC Dept of Mining Engineering Senegal Guinea Sudan Venezuela Laos Indonesia Suriname Cambodia Ghana Tanzania Brazil Ecuador Mozambique Zimbabwe Started on Aug. 2002 it will last until Sept 2007

3 Objectives Global Mercury Project
Environmental, health & socio-economic evaluation Create policies to insert artisanal mining into the formal society; suggest legislations Education of miners and communities Improve gold recovery; building equipment Reduce mercury exposure and emission Evaluate mercury mobility in water streams

4 Key Environmental Assessment Findings
Two MAIN SOURCES of Hg pollution from ASM Miner burning amalgam in an open pan The whole ore is amalgamated using a Hg-Copper plate

5 Outline of the Environmental Problem Findings
Global Mercury Project Outline of the Environmental Problem Findings Hg emissions range from 2 kg/a in the project site in Laos to 23 tonnes/a in the project site in North Sulawesi, Indonesia Mercury does not stay in water Mercury is not travelling far in the streams except in Brazil and Indonesia: use of dredges and hydraulic monitors increase water siltaton and Hg transportation

6 Outline of the Environmental Problem Findings
Global Mercury Project Outline of the Environmental Problem Findings How far is Hg vapor going?...hard to answer Amalgamation of the WHOLE ORE is the MAIN cause of Hg pollution of water systems Mercury methylation is occurring in Brazil, Indonesia and Zimbabwe due to the use of Hg and cyanide together High levels of CH3Hg in fish in these countries Cyanidation of Hg-contaminated tailings exaccerbates methylation

7 Global Mercury Project
GMP sites Mean Hg in fish (ppm or mg/kg) Number of samples Brazil São Chico 2.53 73 Creporizinho 0.36 161 Indonesia Galangan 0.21 264 Talawaan 0.58 156 Laos Luang Prabang 0.066 65 Sudan Blue Nile 0.05 108 Tanzania Rwamagasa 0.13 285 Zimbabwe Kadoma 0.41 52

8 Main Findings Hgo CH3Hg in fish Hgo vapor lungs
Global Mercury Project Main Findings Amalgamation of the Whole Ore Huge Hg losses, large environmental problem and/or Cyanidation of Hg-contaminated tailings Hgo CH3Hg in fish Hgo vapor lungs Burning Amalgams in Pans Health problem for miners, family and neighbors

9 Amalgamation of the Whole Ore = Lots of Hg is lost to the Environment
Global Mercury Project Amalgamation of the Whole Ore = Lots of Hg is lost to the Environment Use of Copper Amalgamation Plates Generates High Hg-Tailings Zimbabwe, 2005

10 Amalgamation of the Whole Ore = Lots of Hg is lost to the Environment
Global Mercury Project Amalgamation of the Whole Ore = Lots of Hg is lost to the Environment Adding Hg into the Grinding Circuit About 20 tonnes/a of Hg are lost Indonesia, Talawaan, 2001

11 Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Zimbabwe
Global Mercury Project Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Zimbabwe Tailings from the Hg-copper plates are submitted to cyanidation Hg becomes soluble and bioavailable (easier to be methylated) Zimbabwe, Kadoma, 2005

12 Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Indonesia
Global Mercury Project Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Indonesia Tailings with Hg cyanide are poorly stored and reach the streams North Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2005

13 Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Brazil
Global Mercury Project Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Brazil Abandoned cyanidation heap in São Chico, Brazil near a water stream Hg-cyanide in tailings reach the rivers Brazil, São Chico, 2003

14 Carnivorous fish, Ave = 4.16 ppm Hg Non-carnivorous, Ave = 1.33 ppm Hg
Global Mercury Project Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in São Chico, Brazil Carnivorous fish, Ave = 4.16 ppm Hg Non-carnivorous, Ave = 1.33 ppm Hg 60% of fish >0.5 ppm Hg One fish sample = 22 ppm Hg WHO max guideline for edible fish = 0.5 ppm Hg

15 Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Ecuador
Global Mercury Project Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Ecuador 92 cyanidation tanks in the town of Portovelo Portovelo, Ecuador, 2007

16 Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Ecuador
Global Mercury Project Hg-contaminated tailings are submitted to cyanidation in Ecuador Tailings with Hg cyanide are dumped into the Amarillo River Portovelo, Ecuador, 2007

17 Cyanidation of Hg-contaminated Tailings
Occurring in Brazil China Colombia Ecuador Indonesia Peru Philippines Zimbabwe China, 2002 Photo AJ Gunson

18 Outline of the Health Problem Findings
Global Mercury Project Outline of the Health Problem Findings High levels of Hg in lungs and urine of miners in all pilot countries (exposure to Hg vapor) URINE: Highest average in Zimbabwe = 35.7 µg/g creatinine Highest value in North Sulawesi, Indonesia = 1,697 µg Hg/g creatinine Normal level = 0.5 to 5 µg/g creatinine High levels of neurological problems in miners and people living around the mining operations

19 Outline of the Health Problem Findings
Global Mercury Project Outline of the Health Problem Findings Relatively low Hg in HAIR (exposure to methylmercury from fish ingestion): Highest average in Zimbabwe and N. Sulawesi = 4.5 and 4.4 ppm Hg Normal level = 0.4 – 3.2 ppm Hg Low fish availability and consumption in mining sites

20 Hg occupational exposure is… obvious
Problems with Hg vapor Hg occupational exposure is… obvious Venezuela, 1995

21 Hg in the Expired Air Normal levels depends on the number of Hg-dental fillings; usually between 10 and 300 ng/m3 Miners have between 1,000 and 60,000 ng/m3 Mozambique, 2005

22 Hg in the Expired Air Indonesia, 2005
LUMEX portable atomic absorption bought by GMP to all project countries Mozambique, 2005

23 Retorted Au still has 2 to 5% Hg
Brazil, 1990

24 Retorted Au (still with Hg) is sold to gold shops and melted: Hg vapor is released in the villages... Brazil, 1990

25 …contaminating neighbors

26 In Indonesia, miners burn amalgams in
a grocery store Indonesia, Kalimantan, 2005 Indonesia, Bogor, 2005

27 Cilantro is a candidate being investigated in the lab
Global Mercury Project Reducing the Negative Health Impacts of Mercury Exposure Using Native Food Plants as Scavengers GMP/UBC/Smith-Nagal Foundation is investigating antioxidant protection in the prevention of mercury toxicity Potential for the use of local plant foods to remove mercury from miners’ bodies. Particularly useful are those plants with antioxidant and chelating properties Cilantro is a candidate being investigated in the lab

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