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February 2014 Vi Smith SENSE

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1 February 2014 Vi Smith SENSE

2 Project Justification
2012/2013 college wide 41% of students who withdrew from courses were aged 20 and under. These students incur huge losses to the college both financially and to the reputation of the college. The GIS map bears out these findings. The DEL Briefing 22/01/14 highlights the need to improve soft skills to prepare young people for the workplace. (Alistair Ross MLA)

3 Objective is to reduce withdrawals
College wide in the past year 41% of withdrawals are aged 20 and under. This statistic is gathered from GIS

4 Motivational & Soft Skills Course
S upport Show we value students E ncourage Show we want them to succeed N urture Show we care S ecure Show we will resolve problems E ngage Show we are listening

5 Recognising who needs help
Within the Steps to Work unit I have interviewed many clients, they may have qualifications, but lack the social or soft skills to be a productive and integrated member of the workforce or training group. Some clients are uncomfortable in social settings through lack of confidence or other often unseen conditions. Many careers are public facing. Good interaction with the necessary soft skills is crucial for success in education and in modern day life.

6 In My Experience As an accredited GOALS (motivational course) trainer I can see this works well for those over 20 years from the feedback survey. It promotes:- Self esteem and confidence. Removes indecision and encourages planning. Promotes expressing views within the group. This course costs £25 per person + staffing. We can adapt this course to the needs of younger students at the minimal cost of staffing.

7 10 Keys Self Esteem Responsibility Reap the Rewards! Act to create it
Feedback Persevere Acknowledge & affirm strengths Clarify vision & values Plan your future Visualise & affirm your success 10 Keys Positive self talk Acknowledge & complete the past Self Esteem Responsibility

8 SERCS Umbrella The creation of a short 2 day welcoming and motivating course SENSE will help prevent students withdrawing educationally or socially by failing to keep up with their studies or peer group. The SENSE course will promote an ethos of social inclusion through providing an individual with a SENSE of identity of belonging to the SERC family. Students would be referred individually, or by class, funded through MOA 22,from any department within the college.

9 Options of Delivery Unit 7546-569 Developing own interpersonal skills
Unit Developing personal confidence and self awareness Both these C & G courses can be delivered through MOA 22 and funding can be drawn down from DEL The costs will include delivery by a band 5 staff £19 per hr X 10 hrs (approx.) = £190 plus minimal costs of materials.

10 Compliance The largest sectors in the South Eastern economy in 2008, in employment terms were: Retail & Distribution, followed by Health & Social Work and Construction and Manufacturing. Relative to the NI average economic structure, the South Eastern economy is more dependent on Retail & Distribution, Construction, other Personal Services and Hotel & Restaurants DEL’s directive 22/01/2014 Extract from Committee for Employment and Learning Further Education Means Business: DEL Briefing In our provision for employers, we want to have a strong emphasis on enterprise skills. Those are the employability skills — the ability to work in teams, to collaborate, to problem-solve — that, along with technical qualifications, are crucial. Therefore, we want to have a good look at how those are brought into the curriculum.

11 Take Action to Achieve Success
We need to keep our students. We have created other tools to keep them on board. We need to do more to decrease withdrawals We need to promote SERC’s reputation as a welcoming and pro-active college where students are given support educationally, and as an individual, to progress to success.

12 Any Questions?

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