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GEO481-506 Study Guide.

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1 GEO Study Guide

2 Carry-over Midterm Exam Questions
1. Specify the following elements used in the UTM coordinate system: 1) what is the unit for measuring distance, 2) what is a zone, 3) what is the map projection, and 4) what is the Easting of the central meridian of a zone.

3 Carry-over Midterm Exam Questions
2. List the following elements of 1:24,000 DEM (distributed by USGS): coordinate system, unit for measuring elevation, and spatial resolution. 3. Identify resultant colors for combinations of lights or dyes.

4 New Questions Since Midterm
II. New questions since midterm: All PPTs are attached to the class syllabus:

5 Logic Overlay Boolean Logic: And, Or, Not.
GIS operations: Union, Intersect, Identity, Clip, Erase, Update. Identify the match between the Boolean Logic and GIS operations.

6 Neighborhood Operations
Know 1) the definition and 2) the three parameters.

7 Topographic Functions
Elevation, Slope angle, Slope aspect Be able to identify their use in a real-world scenario (e.g. best place for a wildlife refuge).

8 Buffering Analysis Be able to identify their use in a real-world scenario.

9 Network Analysis Shortest Path, Salesperson Problem, Location-Allocation. Be able to identify their use in a real-world scenario.

10 Spread Functions 1) Know its definition and 2) be able to identify their use in a real-world scenario.

11 Stream Functions 1) Know its definition and 2) be able to identify their use in a real-world scenario.

12 Viewshed analysis Be able to identify their use in the real-world.

13 GIS Software Be able to name GIS software packages covered in the class.

14 Integration of GIS Data and GIS Analysis
Incorporate all GIS datasets covered in the class and all GIS functions covered in the class to support a given scenario.

15 Web GIS 1) Define Thin, Medium, and Thick Client Architecture, and
2) Provide an example for each.

16 Cloud GIS Explain why cloud GIS is necessary.

17 3D GIS (Eric Brady, Bergmann Associates) What is the difference between your 3D lab exercise and the 3D projects presented by Eric Brady.

18 GIS in Crime Analysis (Jamie Giammaresi and Kevin Schellinger)
1. How to place the police force around the sport stadium at a large event according to known crime hot spots (i.e. what GIS data and functions are required to run this project). 2. Sex offenders may be required to comply residency restrictions. They cannot live within 1,000 feet of schools and childcare facilities. How to evaluate whether they have complied the restrictions (what GIS data and functions are required to run this project).

19 Open Source GIS (Sean Myers, NBT Solutions) Know 1) the definition of open source GIS, and 2) why open source GIS is important.

20 GIS in Logistic Analysis
(Jeff West, Praxair) Identify an example of GIS application in his presentation. To make tank-checking efficient, Praxair assigns their field workers to check tanks near their residence. What GIS data and functions are required to support this assignment.

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