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Sensors Sensing the real world Sensors (v.1c).

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Presentation on theme: "Sensors Sensing the real world Sensors (v.1c)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensors Sensing the real world Sensors (v.1c)

2 Sensors Motion (Orientation/inclination )sensors Force/pressure/strain
Position Temperature and humidity Rotary position Light and magnetic field sensors Sensors (v.1c)

3 Motion (Orientation/inclination sensors
Acceleration Gyroscope Compass Tilt Sensor Sensors (v.1c)

4 Accelerometer
Functions: measure acceleration in one or more directions, position can be deduced by integration. Orientation sensing : tilt sensor Vibration sensing Methods: Mass spring method ADXL78 (from Analog Device ) Air pocket method (MX2125) Sensors (v.1c)

5 Mass spring type (output acceleration in G)
ADXL78 (from Analog Device ) Mass spring type (output acceleration in G) Measure the capacitance to create output Sensors (v.1c)

6 ADXL330 accelerometer for three (X,Y,Z ) directions http://www. analog
Sensors (v.1c)

7 2D translational accelerometer MX2125 (from
Gas pocket type When the sensor moves, the temperatures of the 4 sensors are used to evaluate the 2D accelerations Sensors (v.1c)

8 Accelerometer demo: orientation sensing
Self-balance Robot Sensor demo Sensors (v.1c)

9 Accelerometer demo : Tilt sensing demo
Sensors (v.1c)

10 Gyroscopes
Measure rotational angle Rate Gyroscope measure the rate of rotation along 3-axes of X (pitch), Y (roll), and Z (yaw). Modern implementations are using Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technologies. Gyroscope Sensors (v.1c)

11 Gyroscope to measure Rational acceleration ADXRS401 http://www. analog
FEATURES Complete rate gyroscope on a single chip Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) Z-axis (yaw-rate) response APPLICATIONS GPS navigation systems Image stabilization Inertial measurement units Platform stabilization Sensors (v.1c)

12 Compass-- the Philips KMZ51 magnetic field sensor
50/60Hz (high) operation, a jitter of around 1.5° Sensors (v.1c)

13 Using Gyroscope compass for virtual reality application in an iphone
Rate gyroscope demo Using Gyroscope compass for virtual reality application in an iphone Sensors (v.1c)

14 Application of motion sensors Self balancing robot
by Kelvin Ko Motion sensors: gyroscope and accelerometer 20cm 35cm Sensors (v.1c)

15 Complementary filter Since Combine two sensors to find output 15
Gyroscope High frequency Accelerometer Low frequency Sensors (v.1c) 15

16 Complementary filter θ=rotation angle, =filter time constant, s=laplace operator Sensors (v.1c) 16

17 Self Balanced robot using complementary filter
Sensors (v.1c) 17

18 Tilt Sensor by OMRON http://rocky. digikey
Detect tilting 35 ~ 65 degrees in right-and-left inclination Sensors (v.1c)

19 Force/pressure/strain
Force-sensitive resistor (FSR) Strain gauge Flexion Air pressure Sensors (v.1c)

20 Force Sensing Resistors http://www. interlinkelectronics
FSR402 Sensors (v.1c)

21 Force Sensing Resistor Demo
Sensors (v.1c)

22 Application for a walking robot
Sensors (v.1c)

23 Four sensors under the foot
Application of force sensing resistance sensors to balance a walking robot Balancing Floor tilled right upper leg bend left Floor tilled left upper leg bend right Neutral position Four sensors under the foot Sensors (v.1c)

24 Four Force sensors under the foot
Sensors (v.1c)

25 The Nao robot uses force feedback at its feet http://en. wikipedia
Sensors (v.1c)

26 Strain Gauge : Force sensors http://www. meas-spec
Piezoelectric crystal: produces a voltage that is proportional to force applied Strain gauge: cemented on a rod. One end of the rod is fixed, force is applied to the other end. The resistance of the gauge will change with the force. Sensors (v.1c)

27 Single element strain gauge
sensitive to temperature change. Vb gauge Gauge=R+R R rod V0 R R load Sensors (v.1c)

28 Four-element (Wheatstone bridge) strain gauge sensor,
Four times more sensitive than single gauge system; not sensitive to temperature change. All gauges have unstrained resistance R. t1 t2 Vb t1=R+R rod b2=R-R V0 b1 b2 b1=R-R t2=R+ R load Sensors (v.1c)

29 Flexion (bend) sensors
resistance: 10 KΩ (0°); 30-40 KΩ (90°) Sensors (v.1c)

30 Felixon resistance Demo
Sensors (v.1c)

31 Air pressure sensor Measure up to 150 psi (pressure per square inch ).
Sensors (v.1c)

32 Position sensors Infra-red range sensor
Linear and Rotary position sensors Sensors (v.1c)

33 The distance corresponds to the triangle formed.
Infra-red Range detectors by SHARP (4 to 30cm) An emitter sends out light pulses. A small linear CCD array receives reflected light. The distance corresponds to the triangle formed. Sensors (v.1c)

34 IR radar using the Sharp range detector
Sensors (v.1c)

35 Position sensors, from[1]
Rotary Linear Optical shaft encoder Sensors (v.1c)

36 Magnetic rotary encoder (http://www. renishaw
non touch sensing Sensors (v.1c)

37 Optical rotary encoder (
The light received (on or off) will tell the rotation angle) 3 light receivers Light paths Rotation shaft 3 light emitters Crank shaft sensor Sensors (v.1c)

38 Temperature and humidity
Sensors (v.1c)

39 Temperature sensors LM135/235/335 features(from NS) http://www
Directly calibrated in °Kelvin 1°C initial accuracy available Operates from 400 µA to 5 mA Less than 1 Ohm dynamic impedance Easily calibrated Wide operating temperature range 200°C over range Low cost Sensors (v.1c)

40 Application note (connecting to an ADC e.g. ADC0820 or ADC0801)
Sensors (v.1c)

41 Capacitive Atmospheric Humidity Sensor http://rocky. digikey
BCcomponents %RH Dc Sensors (v.1c)

42 Leaf Sensor Alerts When Plants Are Thirsty
Sensors (v.1c)

Light-to-voltage optical sensors, each combining a photodiode and an amplifier (feedback resistor = 16 MW, 8 MW, and 2 MW respectively). The output voltage is directly proportional to the light intensity on the photodiode. Sensors (v.1c)

44 Cadmium Sulfoselenide (CdS) Photoconductive Photocells http://faculty
Light sensing using CdS Sensors (v.1c)

45 Hall effect Sensors for sensing magnetic flux“B field”, see: Sensors (v.1c)

46 Magnetic levitation Train Model
Application on Magnetic levitation 磁懸浮 Magnetic levitation Train Model 磁懸浮火車 frog levitation Sensors (v.1c)

47 Hall effect sensors and brushless DC motors
Is it using Hall effect sensor? Don't known. Sensors (v.1c)

48 Novel sensors Kinect
Sensors (v.1c)

49 Many KINECT DIY projects
Sensors (v.1c)

50 Control systems Example: A temperature control system
Sensors (v.1c)

51 Control example: Temperature control system
computer Digital control circuit Timer Water tank Temp. Sensor CPU Sample & Hold A/D Instrum. amp. Pulse Width modulation & solid state relay Heater D/A Sensors (v.1c)

52 Temperature control method 1: ON-Off (bang-bang) control (poor)
Easy to implement, bad control result -- contains overshoot undershot. Algorithm for on-off-control: Loop forever: If (Tfrom_sensor > Treq required temperature) then (heater off ) else (heater on). Overshoot Treq Steady state error Undershoot Temp On-off control result Time Sensors (v.1c)

53 Proportional, differential, integral
Temperature control method 2 : Proportional-integral-differential (PID) temperature control (good) Init. (set required temperature Treq) Loop forever{ get temperature T from sensor, e=T - Treq then Tw =e*G*{Kp+Kd*[d(e)/dt] +Ki*e dt } else } //G,Kp,Kd,Ki can be adjusted by user Tw Proportional, differential, integral Sensors (v.1c) Tw

54 PID block diagram Kd
                                                                                                       Figure 1 - Parallel PID block diagram Kd Kp Ki Sensors (v.1c)

55 PID control using pulse width modulation PWM
Tw (depends on e ) Time Fixed period and fixed number of pulses Temperature On-off control: oscillates and unstable Treq PID control result of method 2 Time Sensors (v.1c)

56 Summary Studied the characteristics of various sensors
and their applications Sensors (v.1c)

57 References [1] S.E. Derenzo, Interfacing -- A laboratory approach using the microcomputer for instrumentation, data analysis and control prentice hall. [2] D.A. Protopapas, Microcomputer hardware design, Prentice hall [3] CUHK_FYP report HML0602, KHW0703 [4] [5] Sensors (v.1c)

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