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PSAT Parent Webinar 3/22/2016.

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Presentation on theme: "PSAT Parent Webinar 3/22/2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSAT Parent Webinar 3/22/2016

2 PSAT Score Report Overview

3 PSAT 8/9 Score Report Webinar

4 Understanding Scores The PSAT 8/9 is a test that will students and parents figure out what students need to work on most so that they’re ready for college when they graduate from high school. It tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT, and PSAT/NMSQT— in a way that makes sense for your grade level.

5 Making Sense of the Numbers
Score ranges, mean (average) scores, benchmarks, and percentiles can be used to see if you’re on track for college readiness Your score report will show you the information based upon typical U.S. test-takers per grade Unless your score is much lower than average, you’re probably developing the skills you’ll need in college Benchmarks for each section are the scores that represent college readiness. A score at or above the benchmark means you are on track to be ready for college.

6 PSAT 8/9 versus PSAT/NMSQT
Both measure student college readiness Both reports provide mean, percentile and benchmark data Both reports can be accessed online for detailed information Only the PSAT/NMSQT online report provides the AP Potential tool Both provide students with access to Khan Academy as a study resource Only the PSAT/NMSQT provides information on the National Merit Scholarship Program. *Only 11th grade students can qualify and be accepted to the program.

7 PSAT/NMSQT Score Report Webinar

8 Understanding PSAT/NMSQT
Grades 10 & 11 The PSAT/NMSQT measures the knowledge and skills that research shows are the most essential for college and career readiness. The score report is designed to both clearly summarize the current achievement levels and to help guide and encourage appropriate next steps to increase college and career readiness.

9 PSAT/NMSQT & College Readiness
Grade level benchmarks allow students and parents to understand how students are progressing toward college readiness. Use the benchmark attainment to have a conversation with your student about college readiness and the sort of continued work needed to prepare for college success.

10 PSAT/NMSQT & College Readiness
The college and career benchmarks for the SAT predict a 75 percent likelihood of achieving at least a C in a set of first-year, credit bearing college courses.

11 Percentiles Percentile ranks represent the percentage of students that score equal to or below the score the student obtained. Nationally representative percentiles The nationally representative group (of all students in the same grade) would have had scores at or below the students score User group percentiles Only students in the same grade who typically take the PSAT/NMSQT

12 Find More Information Online

13 Access Online Scores

14 To Create a College Board Account
1.) Go to 2.) Click on “Sign Up,” on the left-hand side 3.) Under Step 1: Enter Student Information: Student’s First (Given) Name (Example: Barack) Middle Initial (Example: H) Student’s Last Name (Example: Obama) Gender ZIP/Postal Date of birth (list MONTH, DATE, YEAR) Year of High School Graduation Student’s address (remember, use the same address that was indicated on the paper form). Create a username and select your password (DO NOT LOSE THIS!) 4.) Step 2: Verify your information and click on confirm 5.)To Check Your Scores: 1. Go to: 2. Sign into your account. 3. Click on My Score Reports

15 Create an online account!






21 How to Link to Khan Academy

22 SAT Information

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