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Intellectual Property

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1 Intellectual Property
By: Jon Biddle Jonathan Smith Zach Milko

2 What is intellectual property?
Intellectual property is the intangible creative work of an author that is embodied in a physical form. Ex. A book costs more than the material to print it. Creation of this book comes from the creative ideas, research, talents, or other nonmaterial attributes contributed by the creator.

3 Overview Interested parties Protection of intellectual property
Theft and implications Current system of protection Extreme solutions The medium solution

4 Who are the interested parties?
Creator of software or software companies Want their intellectual property protected Consumers Wants fair prices and continuously good products Software pirates Want less strict or no copyright laws on software Government Seeks to find a medium between these parties

5 Why protect intellectual property?
The creator needs a return on his or her work to continue working. A fair trade between creator and consumer is what drives the creator to continually produce. For these reasons, protection of intellectual property is critical to the software creation process and to the availability of jobs for the creators.

6 Theft of intellectual property
Theft causes two problems: Higher prices of legally sold software Less development of good software Why this happens: Number of legal copies sold decreases, therefore reducing the return to the creator Reduced demand and better security causes a raise in the price as well Most creators will not work under these conditions, therefore good software production will be reduced

7 The current system Software vendors and the government have tried many techniques to reduce software piracy. Technical devices used to prevent copying Didn’t go over well with consumers, and hackers figured them out. Making and enforcing copyright laws People ignore laws they find frivolous, especially if many others aren't following them either. Education on copyright protection and the social costs More like scare tactics and CIA like covert tactics to get people to comply.

8 One extreme solution Eradicate all copyrights on software, hence making all intellectual property free to the public.

9 The opposite extreme No copying copyrighted material
Hence, make it illegal to copy any copyrighted material whatsoever, for any purpose Eliminate all fair use rights

10 The problem Intellectual property needs funding to be continually produced, therefore the elimination of copyrights is virtually out of the question. Copyright laws will be infringed no matter how strict or thorough they can be made. Availability of pirated software is a google search away.

11 The medium, the solution
Easy and affordable products of intellectual property (iTunes store) Take down the sites that provide illegal software and remove pirated software results from search engines Make new software or hardware that is only compatible with legal software, media, or other property (Windows Media Player and Xbox 360 try to play only legally obtained songs)

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