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ERA-NET for materials research and innovation
M-ERA.NET (2): ERA-NET for materials research and innovation Baku 13 Oct 2016 Roland Brandenburg M-ERA.NET coordinator FFG, Austria
(Pre-)History: FP6-FP7 MNT-ERA.NET
MNT-ERA.NET ( ): micro & nano technologies MATERA ( ): materials MNT-ERA.NET II ( ): micro & nano technologies MATERA+ ( ): materials together: ~150 funded projects, >100 MEUR public funding MATERA(+) M-ERA.NET M-ERA.NET: 2/2012-1/2016 materials science and engineering large network: 37 funding organisations: 29 national + 8 regional 25 European countries many “observers”, incl. non-European 2
The M-ERA.NET main activities 2012-2015
joint strategic programming of joint activities annual joint calls for transnational RTD proposals additional activities: programme surveys, database of research infrastructures, clusters & competence centres consolidation of the network, including international cooperation with appropriate partners from outside Europe dialogue with RTD community and stakeholders: workshops, events, dissemination support the exploitation of knowledge along the whole innovation chain, from basic research to applied research and innovation; joint strategic programming of joint activities addressing societal and technological needs in an interdisciplinary approach; create umbrella structure to allow flexible coverage of topics in materials science and engineering, including future topics; establish international cooperation with the most appropriate partners for specific global challenges (e.g. Taiwan, Japan, Korea, USA, Canada); implement joint calls and other joint activities based on good practices mobilise a critical mass of national and regional funding for Materials Science & Engineering coherent and transparent communication of opportunities to the researchers
Consolidation of the network 2012-2015:
expanded European partnerships: FR, BE, ES, IE, IT, NL, PL enlarged international cooperation: contacts established to Taiwan: NSC/MOST (Call 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) Russia: FASIE (Call 2013, 2014, 2015) South Korea: KIAT (Call 2015), NRF Brazil: CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP (Call 2015) Japan: JST, MEXT, NEDO, METI Singapore: A*STAR South Africa: DST USA: NSF 4
Summary of M-ERA.NET Joint calls 2012-2015 full documentation:
30 funding orgs. 23 European countries + Taiwan Call 2013: 32 funding orgs. 22 European countries + Russia + Taiwan Call 2014: 36 funding orgs. 22 European countries + Russia + Taiwan Call 2015: 35 funding orgs. 22 European countries + Brazil (Sao Paulo) + Korea + Russia + Taiwan 124 pre-proposals 72 full proposals 23 funded projects 166 pre-proposals 90 full proposals 26 funded projects 172 pre-proposals 105 full proposals 22 funded projects 156 pre-proposals 94 full proposals 22 funded projects Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft | Sensengasse 1 | 1090 Wien |
Results M-ERA.NET Calls 2012 - 2015
funded applicants (average) Average project: 3-5 partners from 2-3 countries project costs 1 Mio EUR; duration 2-3 years
A new partnership: M-ERA
A new partnership: M-ERA.NET 2 ( ): Enlarged consortium with international participation
M-ERA.NET 2 ( ) The M-ERA.NET 2 consortium (H2020 grant agreement): 41 public funding organisations from 28 different countries … + additional „observer“ participants joining selected activities 21 (52%) >5 years experience
M-ERA.NET 2016-2021: Vision & Objectives
support the European economy towards societal and technological challenges of the 21st century; multi-annual policy for strategic programming of joint activities, allowing a flexible coverage of topics; annual joint calls including 1 cofunded call with EU top-up; mobilise substantial national and regional public funding; emphasize low carbon energy technologies cooperation with appropriate partners world-wide to facilitate access for the European RTD community to leading knowledge worldwide; strengthen a long term cooperation between funding organisations. 9
Joint strategic programming: work programmes for joint calls
programme owners (e.g. ministries): suggest thematic priorities external expertise from Strategic Expert Group (representing stakeholders, industry, academia, e.g. ETPs, research orgs.) call implementation (programme managers, e.g. funding agencies) programme owners: - endorse work programme - individual nat/reg commitments: topics, budget, type of research, target group
Role of Strategic Experts Group (SEG)
to represent industry and academic research, providing comprehensive overview on needs and possibilities at European, national and regional levels in order to identify gaps and opportunities; to analyse national/regional priorities provided by the M-ERA.NET consortium; to analyse up-to-date status and foreseen development of European strategies; to analyse results from M-ERA.NET calls Experts suggested by all M-ERA.NET partners and selected according to defined criteria (expertise, academic/industrial background, country, gender, ..); The composition of this group is flexible in order to react to changing environments and emerging challenges.
M-ERA.NET Calls 2012-2016: topics
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Integrated computational materials engineering including materials for low carbon energy technologies Design of new interfaces, surfaces and coatings Interfaces, Surfaces and Coatings New Surfaces and Coatings Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces Hybrid composites Composite Technology Composite Technology / biobased materials High performance synthetic and biobased composites Materials for energy systems Materials for Sustainable and Affordable Low Carbon Energy Technologies Materials for Health Interfaces between materials and biological hosts for health applications Functional Materials Focusing on Sensors Functional materials Materials science for additive manufacturing Materials for additive manufacturing Secondary raw materials
Addressing the innovation chain
M-ERA.NET 2 parties support (multiple answers):
Participations per topic and organisation type
Challenge: balance available budgets and requested funding
Calls : success rates
M-ERA.NET Call 2016: launched 15 March 2016
committed nat/reg budget ~30 mio. € EU top up ~ 10 mio € deadline for pre-proposals: June 2016 (233 pre-proposals) deadline for full-proposals: November 2016 funding decision: Feb 2017
Other activities: Clusters and competence centres
Assessment of funded projects
Do we reach our goals ? Assessment of work programmes Methodology The annual work programmes will be assessed by analysing defined indicators in 3 main categories: a) Budgetary commitments b) Benefit for networking of programmes and agencies at national level c) Added value for the target group compared to alternative funding instruments Assessment of funded projects Methodology The funded projects are assessed via questionnaires to all parties in funded projects 1) directly after the completion of the projects 2) 3 years after the end of the projects. Success is measured by: a) Technical results c) Economic effects b) Scientific results d) Transnational benefit
More information: Partner details Funding programmes
Funded projects Events
Results: funded projects
central evaluation: evaluators needed!
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