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Synthetic GOES-R Imagery of Agricultural Burning and Forest Wildfires

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1 Synthetic GOES-R Imagery of Agricultural Burning and Forest Wildfires
Louie Grasso, Renate Brummer, and Robert DeMaria CIRA, Fort Collins, CO Don Hillger, NOAA/NESDIS/RAMMB, Fort Collins, CO 29th Conference on Agriculture and Forest Meteorology 2-6 August 2010, Keystone, Colorado

2 Next Generation GOES (GOES-R)

3 Comparison of GOES-R ABI with current GOES Imager
ABI Current Spectral Coverage 16 bands 5 bands Spatial resolution 0.64 mm Visible km Approx. 1 km Other Visible/nearIR km n/a Bands (>2 mm) 2 km Approx. 4 km Spatial coverage Full disk per hour Every 3 hours CONUS per hour ~4 per hour Visible On-orbit calibration Yes No Low-light imaging Yes No

4 Energy emitted from Earth plus atmosphere to satellite
Energy emitted from sun, reflected from Earth plus atmosphere to satellite Energy emitted from Earth plus atmosphere to satellite Human vision 2.25µm 3.9µm 10.35µm 11.2µm GOES-R 3.9µm 10.7µm Current GOES

5 Synthetic Fire Imagery
Acquire WF_ABBA retrieved fires and use the lat/lon to position fire hotspots within model domain. Run simulated atmosphere with fire hotspots through SHDOMPP to produce synthetic 2.25 µm and 3.9 µm imagery. Imagery produced every five minutes to match GOES-R. This is done on a grid with 400 m horizontal grid spacings. Apply appropriate GOES-R ABI point spread function on 400 m data to “build” appropriate GOES-R footprint.

6 California 10/23/2007 Canopy Wildfire

7 California Fires October 2007
MODIS Satellite Image True color - Satellite: Aqua - Pixel size: 1 km Date: 2007/10/23 (created by NASA) Synthetic ABI 3.9 µm Image produced by CIRA’s RAMM Branch. Date/time: 2007/10/23 15:30 UTC

8 Synthetic GOES-R 3.9 µm Southern California
Six hour loop, images every five minutes

9 California fire simulations 2007-10-23 current-GOES vs. GOES-R ABI
GOES-11 (GOES-west) Imager band-2 (3.9 μm) GOES-R (at GOES-west location) ABI band-7 (3.9 μm)


11 Synthetic GOES-R 2.25 µm Southern California
Six hour loop, images every five minutes 11

12 California fire simulations 2007-10-23
GOES-R ABI μm and 11.2 μm GOES-R ABI μm GOES-R ABI 11.2 μm

13 Arkansas 11/05/2008 Agricultural Burning

14 Synthetic GOES-R 3.9 µm Arkansas
Six hour loop, images every five minutes

15 Synthetic GOES-R 2.25 µm Arkansas
Six hour loop, images every five minutes 15

16 Central America 04/24/2004 Agricultural Burning

17 Synthetic GOES-R 3.9 µm Central America
Six hour loop, images every five minutes

18 Smoke added to synthetic true color GOES-R image

19 Thank You! Collaborations
Synthetic GOES-R ABI imagery at 3.9, 10.35, and 11.2 µm is being used at to aid in the development of WF_ABBA a fire detection and retrieval algorithm. (CIMSS: Jay Hoffman, Chris Schmidt) Synthetic GOES-R ABI imagery may be used to aid in development of algorithms aimed at emissions from fires and retrievals of optical depths of smoke. (NOAA/NESDIS: Shobha Kondragunta, Xiaoyang Zhang) Additional collaborations are welcome! Feel free to pass along a comment and/or idea. Thank You!

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