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Unit 14 Have you packed yet?

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1 Unit 14 Have you packed yet?
Section B

2 Guessing What have I done this month? Have you … yet ?

3 w b c p v t

4 I’ve been to Hangzhou. I’ve been to a zoo/ a park…

5 乐器 played ping-pong… played a musical instrument

6 visited my friends/…

7 诗, written a poem written an article/ a letter

8 cooked a dinner for family
clean up the house for Spring Festival collected something

9 taken out the trash taken my daughter for a walk

10 Report

11 What have you done this month?
I have already …

12 I have already cleaned up my room.
I have already washed my clothes. I have already bought some books I have already bought my favorite band’s CD. There are many bands in the world, can you name some of them ?

13 The Beatles 是无疑世纪的最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐 ,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。

14 backstreet boy

15 Flowers westlife

16 Do you want to know what my favorite band is ?

17 My favorite band is westlife. There are four members in this band
My favorite band is westlife. There are four members in this band. They have been together for about five years. They used to play stuff by other bands, but now they only play their own songs. They have written many original songs. Some of their songs are very popular. Such as “season in the sun”. They have been on TV for many times. Of course, they have won some awards . But they haven’t made a music video yet. In a word I like them very much.

18 Lion Band

19 Pairwork Lion Band Things done
Task1 Pairwork According to the chart , make up new dialogues. Lion Band Things done had three concerts won an award made three music videos been on TV many times Things not done written their own songs visited Taiyuan ----- Have they had concerts? Yes, they’ve had three concerts.

20 1 How about your favorite band? What is your favorite band? Have you seen them in concert yet? When did you first hear them? Who is your favorite band member? What songs do you like best?

21 2a A record agent is interviewing members of a band. members of a band

22 Apple Ice Cream About a year Six
2a. Listen and fill in the information about the band. Apple Ice Cream About a year Six


24 Free talk What do you know about Apple Ice Cream?
They’ve already … but they haven’t… yet.

25 Complete this review of Apple Ice Cream.
Apple Ice Cream is a band. They have written their own songs although they used to sing other people’s songs. rock original They won “The Best New Group of the Year” award last month. They haven’t made a music video yet, but they’ve had six concerts of their own. They haven’t been on TV yet, but they have talked to “Bands on Parade” about doing a TV show next month. Good luck to Apple Ice Cream .

26 Just now, we talked about Apple Ice Cream
Just now, we talked about Apple Ice Cream. Now we are going to talk another band whose name is New Ocean Waves. 新海浪乐队

27 What kind music do they play? Is their music very popular?

28 Are they nice people? Why?
scaning Are they nice people? Why?

29 Don’t miss the New Ocean Waves!
Do you like pop music? Most people do. One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. In the last twelve months, they’ve had three major concerts and made a hit CD. They’re going to appear on CCTV next month. And then they’re going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities. Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you- if you can get tickets, that is. “For years, we played other people’s songs,” says lead singer Zhu Wen. “But now we play mostly our own songs. We’ve had a few songs in the top ten, but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.” Good luck to the New Ocean Waves. They’re off to a great start. And they’re really nice people. Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children?

30 Don't miss the New Ocean Waves!
Reading Read 3a and fill in the chart. Don't miss the New Ocean Waves! Things they have done _____________________ *had three concerts *made a hit CD Things they haven’t done yet _________________________ *had a few songs in the top ten *gone on a world tour *performed in ten different cities *played other people’s songs. *had a number one hit .

31 Language points in reading of the best bands 2.In the last few/twelve months they _________(have) three major concerts and made a hit CD. have had 3.Be sure to do sth. / Be sure not to do sth. eg. Be sure ______(call) me up when you come back. Be sure __________( not forget) to hand in your homework. to call not to forget 4.good luck to sb. 5. some day==one day (in the future) will win Eg . I hope I _________(win) the first award some day. 6.They are off to a great start.==They have a great start .

32 Find the useful expressions of the best bands 1.最好的乐队之一 2. 在最近的一年中 3. 举办三场重大的音乐会 4. 制作一张轰动的CD 5.下个月 6.世界巡回演出 7.一定要做… 8. 排行榜前十名 9. 祝某人好运 10. 某一天(将来) 主唱 12.在乐坛上 2.In the last twelve months 3.have three major concerts 4. make a hit CD 5. next month 6. go on a world tour sure to do sth. / be sure not to do sth. 8. in the top ten 9.good luck to sb 10. some day==one day (in the future) 11.lead singer 12. on the music scene

33 read aloud

34 Fill in the missing words.
Do you like pop music? Most people do. One of the best bands on the music ____ is the New Ocean Waves. In the ___ twelve months, they’ve had three major concerts and made a ___ CD. They’re going to _____ on CCTV next month. And then they’re going to go ___ a world tour in ____ they will perform in ten different _____. Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you- if you can get _____, that is. “For years, we played other people’s songs,” says ____ singer Zhu Wen. “But now we play _____ our own songs. We’ve had a few songs in the ____ ten, but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.” Good ___ to the New Ocean Waves. They’re ____ to a great start. And they’re really nice people. Did you know that they ____ half of the money they made to a charity ____ homeless children?

35 old words in 3a major tour 1.主要的, 重大的 perform 2. 旅行, 演唱会 4. mostly
5. charity 6. homeless 1.主要的, 重大的 2. 旅行, 演唱会 3. 表演 4. 大部分的, 主要的 5. 慈善机构 6. 无家可归的

36 New words in 3a wave scene hit 4. appear 5. lead 6.lead singer off 1.波浪 2.舞台 3.成功且轰动一时 的事物, 打击,碰撞 4. 出现, 露面 5.领导的, 领先的 6. 主唱者 7. 离开

37 HOMEWORK 1.抄写 单词, 词组 2.作业本 1,2的3,4 3.当堂练的B 4.背诵 2c , 3a ,3c,


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