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2 Lesson 102 An Interesting Life

3 Who is Bob Geldof? Where has his greatest success been? Bob Geldof



6 become interested in pop groups
1954 1961 1968 1975 1982 be born in Ireland die become interested in pop groups leave work go write about return to be the top group in Britain stop playing together

7 What did he decide to do to help them?
Idea How did the idea of helping African people come into his mind? What did he decide to do to help them?


9 Do they know it’s Christmas?
He then rang up his friends to sing on his record for free. the famous record the number of the copies produced every day sold in the first fortnight _________ by January 1985. the money collected __________ soon. Do they know it’s Christmas? 320,000 1.5 million 5 million pounds 8 million pounds



12 So he started thinking about another project.
Visit to Africa After the success, what did he want to see? what did he realize? So he started thinking about another project.

13 A Press Conference

14 The Structure of the Passage
A B para Visit to Africa para Basic facts about Bob Geldof para Idea of helping African people para Success

15 born died became left worked went wrote returned formed
Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs: ( A ) Bob Geldof was a world famous Irish pop star. He was ________ in Ireland in His mother________when he was seven.When he was fourteen he _________interested in pop groups. He _______ school and _______in a food factory. Then he ________to Canada where he________about music for a newspaper. In 1975 he ________to Dublin, where he ________ his own pop group. born died became left worked went wrote returned formed

16 watching saw felt help making rang agreed produced collected
( B ) One day, Bob Geldof was ________TV and he _______some very sad pictures of hungry people in Africa. He ________very sorry for them and he thought that he could do something to______ them. Suddenly he had the idea of _______a pop record. He _____up all his friends in the pop world, and they all ______to sing on his record for free. So a pop record was _________and 8 million pounds were __________from the record sales. watching saw felt help making rang agreed produced collected

17 visited see spent realized thinking
( C ) After that, Bob went to Africa and _______ six countries, because he wanted to ______for himself what the problems were and how the money should be _______.When he _________ that hunger was only one of the problems there, he started ________about another much bigger project to help the poor people in Africa. visited see spent realized thinking

18 top a fortnight for free
Try to find the suitable words in the passage to explain the underlined parts: 1. He is the best student in Class 6. top 2. He will stay in Dublin for two weeks. a fortnight 3. They will give a performance for the village people without getting any money. for free

19 6. The children died of being short of food.
4. My students, you will come to know the importance of learning English soon. realize 5. They succeeded in selling the concert tickets two days ago. managed to sell 6. The children died of being short of food. hunger

20 Further Comprehension:
1. Bob Geldof might have become famous by _______. A B C D. 1982 2. When Bob Geldof saw pictures of hungry people in Africa, he became _____. A. surprised B. puzzled C. angry D. astonished 3. Why did Bob Geldof’s friends agree to sing on his record? A. Because they could earn a lot of money. B. Because they wanted to do something for African people. C. Because they could become more famous. D. Because Bob would like to pay them a lot of money.

21 4. After his success, Bob Geldof did all except ______.
A. go to Africa to see how the money was spent. B. stop collecting money for African people. C. realize that hunger was only one of the problems. D. think about another project. 5. What another kind of project might it be according to the passage? A. He would sing for African people by himself. B. He would ask the government to help them. C. He would borrow some money to help them. D. He would organize some concerts to collect money for African people.

22 Homework: Writing: Beethoven 贝多芬被认为是世界上最伟大的作曲家(composer)之一。
1770年出生于德国波恩(Bonn),自幼从父学音乐, 表现出音乐天赋(gift)。 1792 年起,定居乐都维也纳(Vienna),以 教学、演出和创作为生。他在创作中形成 了自己的风格,给世人留下了许多优美的 乐曲。 晚年不幸,1820年后完全失去听力,但仍 坚持创作。 1827年3月26日,在经历了一场大病后,这 位举世闻名的作曲家去世了。


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