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Ask VIVA! September 7, 2016 Carrie Cooper, Dean of University Libraries, College of William & Mary Luke Vilelle, University Librarian, Hollins University.

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Presentation on theme: "Ask VIVA! September 7, 2016 Carrie Cooper, Dean of University Libraries, College of William & Mary Luke Vilelle, University Librarian, Hollins University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ask VIVA! September 7, 2016 Carrie Cooper, Dean of University Libraries, College of William & Mary Luke Vilelle, University Librarian, Hollins University Anne Osterman, VIVA Director

2 Steering Committee Chair: Carrie Cooper, College of William & Mary
The Steering Committee and SCHEV Library Advisory Committee had a joint planning meeting in August. They identified priorities for VIVA libraries for There are budget difficulties for Virginia: The Governor announced a $1.5 billion shortage in the Biennial Budget. Executive branch agency heads have until September 20th to send the Governor proposals to cut 5% of their budgets in fiscal year 2017. Until we hear otherwise for VIVA, we will proceed as usual.

3 Open Textbook Network VIVA has joined the Open Textbook Network as a System Member.  Our four System Leaders recently attended training in Minnesota. They are: Jimmy Ghaphery, VCU Claudia Holland, GMU Olivia Reinauer, TCC Anita Walz, VT (had full training previously through VT’s membership) There will a training for the 31 Campus Leaders on October 6th at JMU.

4 Open Textbook Network An important component of the OTN program is a stipend of $200 for a faculty member to review an OTN textbook. The Steering Committee has approved up to $20,000 of VIVA Central Funds to support faculty reviews of OTN materials at institutions that could otherwise not afford them. These funds will be distributed on a first come/first served basis, and only one stipend per faculty member will be funded.

5 Outreach Committee Chair: Luke Vilelle, Hollins University
The planned topic for the 2016 VIVA Users’ Group Meeting will be “Visions for an Evolving Consortium: Voices from the Member Libraries.” This meeting will take place on Thursday, October 27th at the Virginia Library Association Annual Conference.

6 Outreach Committee A Product Announcement for VIVA’s participation in open initiatives (OTN, DOAJ) – is available on VIVA’s website: ns.html. The Outreach Committee is drafting onboarding materials for people new to VIVA.

7 Resource Sharing Committee
Chair: Diane Smith, George Mason University ILL Subcommittee Chair: Sharon Gotkiewicz, Virginia Tech The 2016 VIVA ILL Community Forum took place at Virginia Commonwealth University on Friday, July 22nd. There were almost 90 attendees. There is a subcommittee of the Resource Sharing and Collection Committees that is reviewing resource sharing in the context of a shared print collection for VIVA.

8 Collections Committee
Chair: Sharon Gasser, James Madison University Oxford Scholarship Online has been extended through August VIVA Central Funds are now used for this resource; it is no longer a cost share among the public institutions. The RFP for Ebook Collections is active, and the survey of member library staff is complete. Negotiations with vendors will take place next week. There will be an RFP for Multidisciplinary Databases in 2017.

9 Collections Committee
Value Metric Task Force This new task force has developed a draft value framework that includes such metrics as alignment with curriculum, cost effectiveness, and DRM restrictions, in the interest of comparing the relative value of resources to VIVA members. Separate grids have been developed for databases, journals, ebooks, and streaming media. This framework is being tested and will be presented soon to the Collections Committee. Task force members are: Beth Blanton-Kent (UVA), Cheri Duncan (JMU), Julie Kane (W&L), Madeline Kelly (GMU), Crystal Newell (PCC), and Genya O’Gara (VIVA, Chair).

10 Collections Committee
There will be a webinar tomorrow from 10:30-11:30 am that summarizes the work of the Monographic Collections Analysis. Save the Date! There is a Collections Forum scheduled for May 20, 2017.

11 V

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