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Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill

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1 Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill

2 Preparing for Trouble After the Intolerable Acts, patriots in New England prepare for a fight. New England militia train and drill for months. British Gen. Thomas Gage worries that war with the colonists may be coming – and soon!

3 Sounding the alarm Loyalists told Gage that patriots are hiding weapons in Concord, 20 miles from Boston. Gage sends 700 British troops to capture the weapons on April 18, 1775. Paul Revere and others spread the word that British soldiers are coming.

4 Lexington – Apr. 19, 1775 About 70 minutemen gather in Lexington to stop the British from reaching Concord. The two sides stand facing each other, then a shot rings out. The British soldiers open fire and charge. The patriots lose 8 men and retreat.

5 Concord – The same day The British find very few weapons in Concord.
Frustrated, they head back to Boston. Minutemen hide behind houses, walls, trees, and barns – shooting at the British for the entire 20 miles. About 275 British troops are killed or wounded.

6 Bunker Hill – June 17, 1775 About 1,000 patriots take control of Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill outside of Boston. Gen. Gage sends 2,200 British troops to capture the hills. The British charge uphill, and the Americans fire at very close range. The British lose over 1,000 men. The patriots retreat when they run out of ammunition.

7 Lessons Learned The British learned the colonists were willing to fight. The colonists learned the British were not invincible. Congress turns the patriot volunteers into the Continental Army. George Washington is named the Commander of the Army.

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