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Dr. Vera Toepoel Leisure Sciences GOR, March 2011

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1 Dr. Vera Toepoel Leisure Sciences GOR, March 2011
Response Quantity, Quality, and Costs of Building an Online Panel via Social Contacts Dr. Vera Toepoel Leisure Sciences GOR, March 2011

2 Research Problem More than 50% of all survey data in the Netherlands are collected via Internet Problem 1: majority of the Dutch people are not willing to join a web panel Problem 2: the minority (20%) of the web panellists fills out the majority (80%) of the questionnaires (NOPVO, 2006) Are results representative of the Dutch population?! NO! E.g. Internet panels contain too many (heavy) Internet users and SP-voters and too few CDA-voters, church-goers, and ethnic minorities 21 juli 2018

3 Traditional Approach to Building a Web Panel
Volunteer panel Recruitment via , banners, self-selection Pro: cheap, fast, many panel members Con: no sampling frame available 2. Probability-based panel Recruitment via probability sampling (address-based sampling) Pro: representativeness Con: Unaffordable for most people Still problem of reluctance of being a panel member 21 juli 2018

4 Unconventional Approach to Building a Web Panel
Snowball-effect via social networks Leisure Panel Sample base: administrative records of Breda University of Applied Sciences(7000 students with a national spread) Each student is asked to recruit panel members (each year new students to recruit new panel members) Experiment with instruction to recruit new panel members (those not in other panels, ethnic minorities etc.) 21 juli 2018

5 Recruiting via social networks
Student Father Social Network Sites Neighbor Friend 21 juli 2018

6 Mail chain We Student relative Friend/ 21 juli 2018

7 Mail chain We Students 7000 Panel members ??? 21 juli 2018

8 Literature Majority of Dutch people is not willing to be in a web panel (NOPVO, 2006) Announcement boosts response rates (Dillman, 2007) augmentation boosts response rates (Dillman, 2010) Pre (unconditional) incentives are more powerful than post (conditional) incentives (Sanchez-Fernandez et al., 2010) Cash is more powerful than gifts (Goritz, 2010) Response depends on relevance 21 juli 2018

9 Experiment/design 1 Majority of Dutch people is not willing to be in a web panel Request to fill out single questionnaire->request to be a panel member Request to be a panel member ->request to fill out single questionnaire Announcement boosts response rates (Dillman, 2007) Announcement letter: mail/ /no augmentation boosts response rates (Dillman, 2010) Reminder 21 juli 2018

10 Experiment/design 2 Pre (unconditional) incentives are more powerful than post (conditional) incentives (Sanchez-Fernandez et al., 2010) Unconditional incentive versus no incentive Cash is more powerful than gifts (Goritz, 2010) 5 euro versus lottery ticket Response depends on relevance Response to “Leisure Panel” dependent on Academy for Leisure, Tourism, Media 21 juli 2018

11 Recruitment Week 48 2011: pre-announcement
Week : recruitment mail Week : marketing (newsletter, tv) Week 51: 2011: reminder 21 juli 2018

12 Marketing 21 juli 2018

13 Design: 3 different academies
Frequency Tourism 2045 Leisure 1453 Media 1009 Total students 4507 21 juli 2018

14 Design: announcement Across 3 academies Frequency Letter
1000 (600 euro) 1000 No announcement 2507 Total students 4507 Incentives in letter Frequency 5 euro 333 (1700 euro) Lottery ticket (costs 3 euro) 333 (1000 euro) No incentive 334 Total students 4507 Across 3 academies 21 juli 2018

15 Research questions When should we time the request to be a panel member? Are the costs associated with sending an announcement letter worth it? Does a reminder mail increase response rates? Does an unconditional incentive boosts response rates and is it worth the costs? Is cash more powerful than a lottery ticket? Does response to “Leisure Panel” differ between three academies (Leisure, Tourism, Media)? 21 juli 2018

16 Response??? We Students 4507 Panel members ??? 21 juli 2018

17 Response??? We Students 4507 Panel members 120 21 juli 2018

18 Response??? 21 juli 2018 We Students 4507 Panel members (45 students)
120 21 juli 2018

19 When should we time the request to be a panel member?
no Panel member yes 1st questionnaire 23% 77% 1st panel request 9% 91% N 203 Chi Square 7.79 p .005 21 juli 2018

20 Are the costs associated with sending an announcement letter worth it?
Costs 600 euro Students Recruited panel members % Letter 1000 (334) 56 (9) 6% (3%) Mail 1000 32 3% No announcement 2498 41 2% N 4498 Chi Square 40.68 p .000 Letter without incentives between parentheses Costs per panel member: 11 euro Announcement does not significantly boost response rates and is not worth the costs 21 juli 2018

21 Does a reminder mail increase response rates?
Recruitment mail: 93 panelmembers Reminder: 27 panelmembers Increase=23% 21 juli 2018

22 2700 euro (333*5 euro+333*lottery ticket)
Does an unconditional incentive boosts response rates and is it worth the costs? 2700 euro (333*5 euro+333*lottery ticket) Students Recruited panel member % No Incentive 334 9 3% Incentive 666 46 7% N 1000 Chi Square 7.59 p .01 Note: incentive is provided with announcement letter Unconditional incentive boosts response rate significantly Costs per panel member: 59 euro 21 juli 2018

23 Is cash more powerful than a lottery ticket?
1700 euro (333*5 euro) 1000 euro (333*lottery ticket) Students Recruited panel member % 5 euro 333 25 8% Lottery ticket 22 7% No incentive 334 9 3% N 1000 Chi Square 8.26 p .02 Costs per panel member: 68 euro/cash; 45 euro/lottery Difference between cash and lottery not significant 21 juli 2018

24 The higher the relevance, the more panel members are recruited
Does response to “Leisure Panel” differ between three academies (Leisure, Tourism, Media)? Academies Students Recruited panel member % Leisure 1453 57 4% Tourism 2045 55 3% Media 1000 15 2% N 4498 Chi Square 12.92 p .00 Academy for Leisure produces significantly more panel members than Academy for Media (difference with Academy for Tourism not significant) The higher the relevance, the more panel members are recruited 21 juli 2018

25 Conclusion Response quantity is poor. Students are not really motivated to recruit panel members Quality is poor (mostly students) Students do not understand request/Students do not know the sender of the request First panel request, then questionnaire yields most panel members (response actual waves?) Announcement letter does not work Reminder works Incentives work, but are not really worth the costs (difference between cash and lottery ticket not significant) Relevance matters 21 juli 2018

26 Future actions Lecturers are ask to discuss Leisure Panel and request
Mail is send via directors of academies Different types of incentives 50*2 tickets for event 2*250 euro in cash Does this work??? 21 juli 2018

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