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OMA rational and results

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1 OMA rational and results

2 Outline Introduction Equations non-dimensionalization
OMA: Order of Magnitude Analysis Boundary layer Regime planes diagrams

3 Introduction OMA is a useful technique due to Luigi G. Napolitano for the QUICK ESTIMATION of the order of magnitude of relevant quantities. An art that depends on physical insights of problem at hand; OMA, if done properly, will provide information about the experiment a priori, i.e. in terms only of data problems; OMA simplifies the problem and focus on important physical phenomena; As a check to your solution when you can simplify the physics; Example are: Marangoni- Poiseulle flow of two immiscible fluids, Protein cristal growth, g-jitter impact, Surface and Buoyancy driven free convection;

4 Navier Stokes equations (1)
Main assumptions: Newtonian liquids, incompressible flows, local equilibrium, interface parallel to gravity and Marangoni.

5 Navier Stokes equations (2)
For hydrostatic conditions:

6 Navier Stokes - adimensionalization
We proceed therefore to adimensionalize the equations choosing appropriate reference values such that each dimensionless variables varies in the range [0,1]: One of the objective of the Order of Magnitude Analysis is to find out:

7 Adimensionalization – momentum (1)
Since diffusion is always present, we divide by its coefficient to obtain a diffusion term of order of magnitude one:

8 Adimensionalization – momentum (2)
We can define the following characteristic velocities as: Unsteady velocity Dissipative velocity Buoyancy velocity

9 Adimensionalization – momentum (3)
and dimensionless numbers: Strouhal number Reynolds number Grashof number

10 Adimensionalization – energy
Energy diffusion velocity Prandtl number

11 Adimensionalization – species
Concentration diffusion velocity Schmidt number

12 Reference equations The non-dimensional equation can be rewritten according to:

13 Characteristic velocities and times
Time steady-state May be used to choose the appropriate micro-gravity platform

14 Summary of dimensionless numbers in terms of characteristic speeds

15 Boundary layer Presence of a Boundary-Layer
Mass conservation is not affected by the presence of boudary layer

16 Boundary layer - momentum
The presence of boudary layer influences the ORDERS of MAGNITUDE

17 Boundary layer (1) In presence of a Boundary-Layer reference equations are: We have to find out what is the LEADING EQUATION (LE) wich is the one relative to the slowest process.

18 Boundary layer (2) Criteria for leading transport equation: obviously
Slowest process Slowest diffusive velocities Pr, Sc <1 LE: Momentum) Pr>1, Sc <1 LE: Energy Pr<1, Sc >1 LE: Species Largest wins

19 Boundary layer – tangential stress
Let us to consider the tangential stresses at the interface as possible driving force: Curvature of surface negligible

20 Boundary layer – tangential stress
MARANGONI velocity

21 Boundary layer – tangential stress
Marangoni and buoyancy effects are driving forces.

22 Boundary layer – tangential stress Main criteria
Vr and l are not known

23 Conditional dimensionless numbers
Functions of the problems data

24 Criteria in terms of conditional numbers
Let assume N=1 (leading equation momentum, e.g. pure fluid with Pr <1) Let assume St=0 (steady regime) The solution is defined by the two conditional numbers:

25 Purely diffusive regimes
Let assume: D1 Similarly if Marangoni prevails: D2

26 Boundary layer regimes (buoyancy)

27 Boundary layer regimes (Marangoni)

28 OMA-Regime plane BL2 BL2 Marangoni boundary layer buoyancy
1 Marangoni convective-diffusive BL1 1 D2 BL1 Marangoni diffusive D1 Buoyancy convective-diffusive Buoyancy diffusive

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