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Experience of the Regional Labour Office in Warsaw as the beneficiary during the implementation of its own projectsFinancial Perspectives 2007-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience of the Regional Labour Office in Warsaw as the beneficiary during the implementation of its own projectsFinancial Perspectives 2007-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience of the Regional Labour Office in Warsaw as the beneficiary during the implementation of its own projectsFinancial Perspectives

2 Human Capital Operational Programme
Priority VI. Labour market open for allMeasure Support and promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment Priority VIII. Regional human resources Measure 8.1. The development of workers and enterprises in the region Sub-measure Supporting adaptation processes and modernization in the region

3 Main objective of projects
Measure 6.2. Promoting and supporting initiatives and solutions aimedto create new jobs and creative attitudes, contributing to the development of entrepreneurshipand self-employment. Sub-measure Professional activation of participants through training and assistance in starting a businessand providing support to newly registered micro entrepreneurs in the first period of their operation.

4 The status on the labour market of persons covered with support projects
the unemployed and inactive including people in a difficult situation on the labour market (persons aged 24, people aged over 50, the disabled, long-term unemployed and people from rural areas) - Persons released, to be released or threatened with dismissal for reasons related to the employer.

5 Types of support provided in projects
- training and advisory support of primary and specialist nature - financial assistance: a) a one-time grant for the development of entrepreneurship b) bridging support, - reimbursement of travel costs for training.

6 Financial support for projects
- A one-time grant for the development of entrepreneurship ( PLN)- Main bridge support (paid in installments during 6 months from the start of business)- Extended bridge support (paid from the 7th to 12th of each month)The amount of tranches of bridge support in projects: - From PLN to PLN.

7 security procedures against corruption and abuse used by the beneficiary in the process for granting and accounting for financial support

8 - Declaration of impartiality for the members of the Selection Committee and Applications Evaluation Committee,- Statement of a participant of a project about lack of family connections with the staff of the project office,- Statement of a participant of a project about lack of of opportunity of financing from his own resources, related to the expenditure resulting from running the business,

9 - Securing proper disbursement and settlement of the support received by the participant: a) a contract specifying the conditions for support, b) submission to enforcement proceedings under the notarial bill- Checks carried out by the staff of the project office at the place of economic activities,

10 The difficulty in accounting for the financial support received by the project participants
- Evasion of timely settlement of funds received,- Evasion of the control of the place of business, - Purchase inconsistent with the financial schedule of works (e.g. attempt to settle the purchase of a 40-inches TV as a computer monitor, a bookcase from the communist era as a purchase of office furniture).

11 Summary In the years in Warsaw, VLO completed 40 projects where financial support to start their own business received participants. Starting legal proceedings to recover funds spent unsettled or in breach of the intended use was applied in the case of6 project participants

12 Thank you for your attention
Regional Labour Office in Warsaw Department of Regional Labour Market Policy ul. Ciołka 10 a Warsaw Thank you for your attention

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