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Ms. Trepper’s 6th Grade English Class

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1 Ms. Trepper’s 6th Grade English Class
English Goal: Taking personal responsibility for becoming a successful learner!!!

2 Classroom Procedures Students will organize an English Binder and keep a Writing Journal. Late work is always accepted within ONE week for partial credit. Students are responsible for all work missed due to absences. Homework should be copied in their agenda every day (also posted on class website).

3 The Writing Fundamental Program
Writing Journal Unit 1: Immersion Unit 2: Narrative Unit 3: Argumentative Unit 4: Informational / Feature Articles Grammar – Grammar for Writing – Sadlier All writing assignments submitted for a grade must be typed following the MLA format!!!

4 McDougal Littell Literature Book
Fiction Literary elements Reading strategies Analysis Non-Fiction Biography / Autobiography Memoir Text Structures Poetry Figurative language

5 Grading System Grades are based on cumulative points earned from a variety of assignments Assignments focus: Writing assignments Reading assignments Quizzes and tests Maintaining and organizing binder and journal 90% -100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D < 59% F

6 Wrap Up Homework: Homework is given to practice skills or complete classwork Extra Help: Clinic is held Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7:25 to 7:55

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