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Biography presented by

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1 Biography presented by
نوف سعد مليحة ميدي يسرى الزهراني منى الغريبي

2 What is a biography? What is autobiography? Elements of a biography. Types of biography .

3 Biography bi·og·ra·phy . A biography is a written piece about a persons' lives and career. It explains in details specific events in their personal life .

4 Autobiography au·to·bi·og·ra·phy.
a biography of a person written by himself or herself.

5 The Elements in biography
Birthdate and place . Childhood and School Life . Hobbies, Interests, and occupations. Anecdotes of failure and success . Career . Reason for outstanding achievement. Phases and stages in life. Death , photos and traces .

6 Type of biography There are 5 different type of biographies :
Popular biographies. Historical biographies. Literary biographies. Reference biographies. Fictional biographies.

7 The End References Mrs. Youse “ Ten Elements of biography”.
< user The End

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