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IAQ Efforts on the Nez Perce Reservation

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Presentation on theme: "IAQ Efforts on the Nez Perce Reservation"— Presentation transcript:

1 IAQ Efforts on the Nez Perce Reservation
Johna Boulafentis Environmental Outreach Specialist ERWM Air Quality Program Nez Perce Tribe

2 Overview IAQ Outreach and Education
IAQ Assessments of Nez Perce Tribal Administrative Buildings Building Case Study: Mold Remediation

3 IAQ Outreach and Education
Office Newspaper articles Community events Presentations

4 IAQ Assessments Since 2000, conducted 67 assessments in 42 buildings
Sampled for CO2 and PM Some buildings for temperature, RH, moisture levels, and pressure Building considerations Common problem areas

5 Building Case Study

6 IAQ Assessment 2011


8 Further investigation


10 ?

11 Mold Remediation Work


13 Other IAQ Improvements

14 Outcomes Building assessments and maintain records
Increased IAQ and mold awareness in the workplace and in the public Need for further training on mold remediation

15 Thank You! Contact Information: Johna Boulafentis

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