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Total Estimated Available Resources for HIV from All Sources

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1 Total Estimated Available Resources for HIV from All Sources
Figure 4: Donor Government Share of World GDP* Compared to Share of Resources Available for HIV, 2016 US$19.1 Billion Total Estimated Available Resources for HIV from All Sources *GDP = gross domestic product. NOTE: UNAIDS estimate of resources available for HIV/AIDS from all sources, July This estimate includes domestic expenditures (public and private) for all low- and middle- income countries, including countries that transitioned into high income level, according to World Bank 2013 country classification of income status. SOURCES: UNAIDS and Kaiser Family Foundation analysis, July 2017; Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria online data query, January 2017; UNITAID direct communication; OECD CRS online data queries.

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