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Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks

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1 Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks
Part 6 Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks

2 6.1 Sequential Synthesis Minimum Utility Cost

3 Example 1 H1 1 400 120 H2 2 340 C1 1.5 160 C2 1.3 100 250


5 Incidence Matrix of Directed Graph

6 Material Balance Around a Node

7 Minimum Cost Flow Problem

8 Transshipment Problem
The transportation problem is a special case of the minimum cost flow problem, corresponding to a network with arcs going only from supply to demand nodes. The more general problem allows for arbitrary network configuration, so that flow from a supply node may progress through several intermediate nodes before reaching its destination. The more general problem is often termed the transshipment problem.


10 Heat Balances around Temperature Intervals (Warehouses)

11 Transshipment Model Total utility consumption rate LP problem

12 60 30 123 225

13 Index Sets


15 Condensed Transshipment Model
Total utility cost Known

16 Remarks

17 Example 2 (The transshipment model can be generalized to consider multiple utilities to minimize total utility cost.) FCp (MW/K) Tin (K) Tout H1 2.5 400 320 H2 3.8 370 C1 2.0 300 420 C2 HP Steam: 500 K, $80/kW-yr LP Steam: 380 K, $50/kW-yr Cooling Water: 300 K, $20/kW-yr HRAT: 10K

18 HP steam 500K 380K


20 Minimum Utility Cost with Constrained Matches
Sequential Synthesis Minimum Utility Cost with Constrained Matches (The transshipment model can be expanded so as to handle constraints on matches.)

21 Example 1 H1 1 400 120 H2 2 340 C1 1.5 160 C2 1.3 100 250


23 Expanded heat cascade!

24 Basic Ideas

25 Two Possible Heat-Exchange Options
Hot stream i and cold stream j are both present in interval k. Cold stream j is present in interval k, but hot stream i is only present at higher temperature interval.

26 Hot stream i and cold stream j are both present in interval k

27 Cold stream j is present in interval 3, but hot stream i is only present at interval 2

28 Index Sets


30 Expanded Transshipment Model

31 Match Constraints

32 Modified Example 1 H1 1 400 120 H2 2 340 C1 1.5 160 C2 1.3 100 250

33 60 30 123 225

34 Condensed Transshipment Model
The annual utility cost: $9,300,000.

35 Expanded heat cascade!

36 Expanded Transshipment Model

37 Expanded Transshipment Model
Annual Utility Cost: $15,300,000 Heating Utility Load: 120 MW Cooling Utility Load: 285 MW

38 Prediction of optimal matches for minimizing the unit number in HEN
Sequential Synthesis Prediction of optimal matches for minimizing the unit number in HEN

39 Objective Function q=1,2,….,NP+1

40 Heat Balances The constraints in the expanded transshipment model can be modified for the present model: The heat contents of the utility streams are given. The common index i can be used for hot process and utility streams; The common index j can be used for cold process and utility streams.

41 Expanded Transshipment Model

42 Modification of Expanded Transshipment Model

43 Heat Balances

44 Logical Constraints

45 Solution

46 Example 1 Fcp (MW/C) Tin (C) Tout H1 1 400 120 H2 2 340 C1 1.5 160 C2
1.3 100 250 Steam: 500 C Cooling water: 20 – 30 C Minimum recovery approach temperature (HRAT): 20 C

47 Condensed Transshipment Model

48 Pinch

49 MILP (i)

50 MILP (ii)

51 Solution

52 Manual Synthesis

53 Alternative Solution

54 Solve MILP without Partition

55 Only 5 units! One less than the previous two!

56 Automatic Generation of Network Structures
Sequential Synthesis Automatic Generation of Network Structures

57 Basic Ideas of Superstructure
Each exchanger in HEN corresponds to a match predicted by the MILP model (with or without pinch partition). Each exchanger in HEN should also have as heat duty the one predicted by MILP. The superstructure will contain the stream interconnections among the aforementioned exchangers that can potentially define all configurations. The flow rates and temperatures of stream interconnections in superstructure will be treated as unknowns that must be determined.

58 Example 3 Stream Tin (K) Tout Fcp (kW/K) Heat Load (kW) h (kW/m^2K) Cost ($/kW-yr) H1 440 350 22 1980 2.0 - C1 349 430 20 1620 C2 320 368 7.5 360 0.67 S1 500 1.0 120 W1 300

59 Step 1 & Step 2

60 Superstructure for hot stream H1

61 Embedded Alternative Configurations
H1-C1 and H1-C2 in series H1-C2 and H1-C1 in series H1-C1 and H1-C2 in parallel H1-C1 and H1-C2 in parallel with bypass to H1-C2 H1-C1 and H1-C2 in parallel with bypass to H1-C1


63 Parameters and Unknowns

64 Equality Constraints

65 Inequality Constraints

66 Objective Function

67 Solution

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