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RAD Certification Checkpoint #2 Introducing RadStudio (Hello World)

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1 RAD Certification Checkpoint #2 Introducing RadStudio (Hello World)

2 Rad Studio Products Delphi Includes modern Object Pascal Compiler.
C++ Builder Includes modern C++ Compiler. We sell two developer products, Delphi and C++ Builder. We also package the two products together to form the third product, RadStudio. Each of these products comes in one of five editions, Starter, Pro, Enterprise, Ultimate and Architect, which we’ll look at later. Rad Studio Includes both the Delphi and C++ Builder products.

3 Rad Studio IDE Not to be confused with the product bundle of the same name, Rad Studio is the IDE which comes as part of the Delphi and C++ Builder products. The RadStudio product includes both Delphi and C++ Builder, and therefore includes the Rad Studio IDE also. The IDE is included as a part of Delphi and C++ Builder.

4 In the box (virtually) Compilers for various targets (Mobile, Windows, MAC) Debugger(s) Various other tools, including tools for working with databases Libraries of production quality code. (Classes, Components & Controls) IDE – Integrated Development Environment Both of the RAD Studio products include Compilers, which take either Object Pascal, or C++ source code, and compile it to Intel or ARM binary code for Windows, MAC, iOS and Android, and for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. Debuggers, allowing the developer to debug their binary code for all of the same platforms. Libraries of production quality code, containing many component and control classes, which make up the largest part of the product value. Tools for working with Databases, in-fact, the product contains our own Interbase database and tools for working with it. Other tools are included, predominantly as deployment tools for the various platforms, including designers for visually building user interfaces and tools for manipulating and testing source code. The RadStudio Integrated development environment, pulls all of the tools together in a single convenient application for crafting applications.

5 Welcome to the RADStudio IDE…
This is the RADStudio IDE, with a new project open.

6 Welcome to the RADStudio IDE…
This is the RADStudio IDE, with a new project open. Open up your copy of RADStudio and select “File -> New -> VCL Forms Application – Delphi”

7 Form Designer In the center of the screen you’ll see this window.
This is called a Form. It’s one of the windows that will make up the graphical user interface for your application. An application may many forms, in some cases they won’t have forms at all, but in most cases there will be at least one.

8 Tool Palette In the lower right corner of the IDE, you’ll find the Tool Palette. This is where you’ll find the Components and Controls which come with Delphi and C++ Builder as included librarys. Most of the Components and Controls you find here will be classes written and supplied by Embarcadero, however, we also ship some third party libraries of Components and Controls. Once installed, those will appear here also. The Tool Palette is divided into sections, such as “Standard”, “Additional”, “Win32”, “System” etc. These sections represent logical groupings of the Components and Controls. A third party might use their company name, or the name of their component set here. Go ahead and expand the Standard section. You’ll see a number of controls, including TEdit, TLabel, TButton. Click on the control named “Tbutton”, and then click on the form in the center of the IDE.

9 Tool Palette You now have a button on your form.
Right now, the button doesn’t do anything, we’ll make it do something later. For now, take a look at the “Object Inspector” window in the bottom right region of the IDE…

10 Object Inspector This Object Inspector tool allows you to view and alter the properties of the button that you have on your form. For example, you can see a property named ‘Caption’ which currently has the value ‘Button1’, change this value to read ‘Hello’

11 Object Inspector You’ll see that the word ‘Hello’ has appeared on your button in the designer.

12 Object Inspector At the top of the Object Inspector is a tab control, which lets you switch between properties and events. Go ahead and switch it to Events. Now the Object Inspector is displaying a list of events which the control can respond to. Starting with OnClick, OnContextPopup, etc. The name of the event is usually quite descriptive, for example, OnClick is an event which occurs when the button is clicked. Double click on the value portion of the ‘OnClick’ event here.

13 Code Editor Your form designer will have disappeared, and you’ll find yourself in the source code editor window. The IDE responded to you setting the OnClick event by taking you to the place that you need to be in the code in order to handle that event. Look along the bottom of this text editor window, you’ll see tabs for “Code”, “Design” and “History” If you click on “Design” it’ll take you back to your form designer, and from there if you click on “Code” it’ll bring you back to the source code editor. You can press the “F12” key on your keyboard at any time, to switch back and forth between source code and the designer. Lets add a line of code.

14 Code Editor Add the line of text that can be seen highlighted in the screen shot. ShowMessage(‘Hello World’); Be sure to put it between the ‘Begin’ and ‘End’ keywords, and type each character carefully. [Delay]

15 Running your application
Take a look at the highlighted toolbar buttons in the illustration. They appear right above the source code editor. The button to the left looks like a “play” icon, and if you hover your mouse over it you’ll see the tool tip “Run without debugging” The button to the right has the tool tip “Run” The right hand button will run our application inside the appropriate debugging tool, however, we’re going to look at that later. For now, click on the left-hand button “Run without debugging”

16 Running your application
Your application will start up and display it’s GUI – in this case, a single form (or window) with a button placed on it. What happens if you click the button?

17 Running your application
Congratulations! You just wrote your very first Delphi application. It’s not the most impressive application right now, but you have now seen how to use Controls, Properties and Events to begin building and altering the functionality of your application. We’ll do a little more in a later session. For right now, click the ‘X’ close icon on the ‘Hello World’ dialog and your application window, to get back to the IDE.

18 RAD Certification Checkpoint #2 Introducing RadStudio (Hello World)

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