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Presentation to Portfolio Committee 3rd quarterly report 2015/16

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1 Presentation to Portfolio Committee 3rd quarterly report 2015/16
Pali Lehohla Statistician-General Statistics South Africa

2 Total targets in the Work Programme: 1080
Organisational performance: as at 31 December 2015/16 Stats SA has achieved 46% of its targets as at 31 December % have been achieved later than scheduled. 39% are on track and 12% have been delayed. 1% of targets have been discontinued. Total targets in the Work Programme: 1080

3 Delayed targets: 3rd quarter 2015/16
Per programme Delays: Corporate services: 30 in HCD (no reporting) and 7 in HRM Statistical collection and Outreach

4 Life expectancy of South African males and females by province
Gender by population group: Stats SA (3rd quarter) Life expectancy of South African males and females by province 100% 100%

5 Expenditure: 3rd quarter 2015/16
October – December

6 Run of the mill: 3rd quarter 2015/16
October – December Statistical products: 71 publication released in Q3 Service delivery: User enquiry responses – above 94% within 24 hours Statistical support: Approximately questionnaires processed in Q3 LCS data collection completed; Field training: CPI, CSS, CDC, CS Corporate Support: Construction of the new building continue Statistical coordination: Stats SA endorsed SAPS Crime Statistics in Q3 8 Millenium Development Goal reports were completed

7 Key priority projects: 3rd quarter 2015/16
October – December Citizen Satisfaction Survey (KZN) : Pilot digital data collection –innovation for better efficiency Progress: On track - conducted and concluded digital data collection in KZN Community Survey Better, faster, cheaper – driving innovation for better efficiency Progress: On track – planning and preparation for new survey methodology Conducted integrated tests GDP Expenditure approach in 2016: All three approaches housed in one institution Progress: On track to deliver in June 2016 Improve the Policy, Statistics and Decision-making value chain Integrative & spatial analysis for better use in planning, M&E, policy and decision-making Progress: On track with delivering SAM and GAF to inform better planning

8 Key priority projects: 3rd quarter 2015/16
October – December Drive statistical and legislative reform: Changing the statistical landscape in SA Progress: National consultations continued on amendments to the Act Move to a new building in 2016 : Information is freedom Progress: On track to move in June 2016 Lead statistical development on the Continent: An Africa that Counts Measurement frameworks for SDGs and Vision 2063 Progress: Developed measurement indicators for Vision 2063 aligned to SDG

9 Looking ahead: 2016 and beyond
Annual International Comparison Programme (ICP) Dynamic map of regional consumption markets and industrial markets to inform Africa’s industrialisation program Addressing informational requirements to guide Africa attaining a demographic dividend Eliminate scandal of invisibility in Africa through CRVS programme; Addressing infrastructure statistics in Africa Compendium of Statistics that informs Agenda 2063 Strengthen African statistics institutions through tuition programme System of economic and environmental statistics in Africa System of statistics that tracks and traces merchandise properties, its origin, destination and use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 Questions

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