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Aim of Economic Development

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1 Aim of Economic Development
The process by which a community or region can achieve structured and managed sustainable economic growth and improved prosperity for business and residents. Economic Development – is generally the policy, strategy and supporting actions set by Government and communities to enhance economic and social prosperity. Economic Growth is the measure of economic activity such as output, productivity, employment and community prosperity that result from economic strategy.

2 Role of Council – A Facilitator
Creating partnerships with business and industry to identify needs, potential barriers to growth and development; Attracting new businesses, diversifying the local economy, providing business support to existing businesses; Enhancing or growing the tourism industry; Encouraging and facilitating population growth; Providing services and infrastructure to residents and business; Zoning to ensure adequate land supply and appropriate land use; Promotion and marketing of the region; Developing export opportunities with local business; and Providing customer service in the delivery of Local Government services to business. Guiding business through the process.

3 Case Study Business Attraction
Identification of appropriate assets within the Council region – what opportunities exist? Consideration to; noise, pollution, residential, truck access, transport routes, facilities, EPA issues etc… SWOT of region to identify what business and industries fit the profile of the area. What businesses currently exist, what would complement or add value to the region?

4 Matching business with opportunity…
Midfield Meats identified they were looking at a potential move into SA to establish a milk powder manufacturing plant. Their head office includes an abattoir was Warrnambool. Initial discussions involved arranging a site visit to a potential site (The former SAFRIES Site at Penola). Meeting also included RDA & PIRSA (critical to get the right key players involved at the right time) Ongoing discussions with Midfield after this site visit. Included providing information on Power, transport corridors, site access, truck movements, supply chains and employment. Started engagement with EPA regarding waste water and DPTI regarding site access off main road.

5 Communication is the key…
This project was going to be a CAT 3 Development. Due to the size of the development ($60 Million, 120 new jobs), also qualified for Major projects. Midfield ran this project through the Council planning process because they could see there was a clear mandate from Council to work with business and support economic development. They were aware we weren’t going to say Yes to everything, but they had our commitment that we would work with them to find solutions.

6 The Deal was done… Midfield purchased the site to build a state of the art milk processing plant. Tight timelines due to specialized equipment being ordered and dairy contracts. Also noting this was a CAT 3 Development which requires significant consultation and referrals.

7 Aligning planning and Economic Development
By sitting down with the Midfield management team we were able to understand their time pressures and explain the CAT 3 process. We mapped out a best case scenario for Development Approval (which included community consultation, referral agency, DAP Meetings) This was 12 weeks. (Can a CAT 3 Development occur in 12 Weeks – is it possible)??

8 The consultation process
Be transparent. Instead of an ad in the back of the paper we organized public information sessions Midfield representatives were there to ask questions and show the community their plans. Was a case for local businesses to discuss and provide information on what services they could offer. Provided an opportunity for people looking for employment to register their interest. Provided a forum for people with any concerns to speak with the Managing Director of midfield and other key staff to ask questions.

9 The Referral process – where things can go wrong!!
This stage had the potential to delay the project. DPTI and EPA were both asking lots of questions and taking time to respond. All referrals were received within our required period, however this was due to the fact that these key agencies were brought in from day one of the discussions.

10 The DAP Process The planning process was all running to schedule.
A DAP Meeting was called and there were no representations from the community. The Development Approval was grants and the entire CAT 3 process was completed within the 12 week timeframe. During this process, Midfiled were also successful in obtaining a PIRSA Grant that Council assisted them to write. Midfield commenced foundation pouring on the site without any delays to the project.

11 Key learning's Be bold, actively chase businesses
When dealing with sites and projects that involve multiple agency's, or State Gov depts, bring in the key people from day one. Internal Planning departments can make or break projects. Get planning staff on board Communicate – understand the expectations of business and be clear in what you can and cant do. After the project is complete, check in with the business and stay in contact. Celebrate the success and influence the States business confidence.


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