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Psychology / Sociology

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology / Sociology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology / Sociology
Grading Procedures, Expectations, And Syllabus

2 Grading Procedures Point system
Tests, Quizzes (announced and unannounced) , Class work, and Homework One project per marking period One writing assignment per marking period

3 Grading Procedures (con’t)
Late work: half credit unless absent After test is taken, work can no longer be made up and will remain a 0%. The more important assignments will be worth more points. If a pop quiz is missed because of an absence it does not need to be made up

4 Expectations Arrive to class on time Bring your book every day
Be attentive in class Cell phones placed in the organizer Do your own work (copying another student’s work = 0 credit)

5 Syllabus First marking period: Second marking period:
Psychology Second marking period: Third marking period: Sociology Forth marking period:

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