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L – Modeling and Simulating Social Systems with MATLAB

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1 851-0585-04L – Modeling and Simulating Social Systems with MATLAB
L – Modeling and Simulating Social Systems with MATLAB Lecture 1 – Introducing GIT Karsten Donnay and Stefano Balietti Chair of Sociology, in particular of Modeling and Simulation © ETH Zürich | © ETH Zürich |

2 Revision Control: What?
Revision Control: What? Revision (or version) control systems are software aimed at managing changes to documents (text files). Famous version control software: TRADITIONAL: CVS, SVN; MODERN: Bazaar, Mercurial, GIT. Throughout the whole course GIT will be: Your precious ally in developing your project code. The default tool for the submission of your research proposal and the final submission of all the project files.

3 Revision Control: Why? Because the human brain was not initially created for programming...

4 Revision Control: Why? Team Work Betty Karl Kornelius

5 How to efficiently integrate our code ???
Revision Control: Why? Team Work How to efficiently integrate our code ??? Betty Karl Kornelius

6 How to efficiently integrate our code ???
Revision Control: Why? Team Work How to efficiently integrate our code ??? GIT provides automatic tools to visualize diff., merging code, and track the history of the project!! Betty Karl Kornelius

7 Revision Control: Why? Time Machine 1 3 4 6 Deadline for submission
Revision Control: Why? Time Machine Deadline for submission Weeks 1 3 4 6 coding starts… Initial agent loop. Super-cool plot added. Simulation on network

8 Revision Control: Why? Time Machine 1 3 4 6 What to do now? breaks
Revision Control: Why? Time Machine Deadline for submission Weeks 1 3 4 6 coding starts… Initial agent loop. Super-cool plot added. Simulation on network What to do now? breaks

9 Revision Control: Why? Time Machine 1 3 4 6 What to do now? breaks
Revision Control: Why? Time Machine Deadline for submission Weeks 1 3 4 6 coding starts… Initial agent loop. Super-cool plot added. Simulation on network What to do now? breaks GIT can save periodic snapshots of your code (commits) All past commits are stored and can be easily reintegrated.

10 Revision Control: Why? Time Machine 1 3 4 6 What to do now? breaks
Revision Control: Why? Time Machine Recover changes Deadline for submission Weeks 1 3 4 6 Super-cool plot is back coding starts… Initial agent loop. Super-cool plot added. Super-cool plot added. Simulation on network What to do now? breaks GIT can save periodic snapshots of your code (commits) All past commits are stored and can be easily reintegrated.

11 Course repository The repository where you may find information concerning the course is: It also gives you easy access to last year's projects (code, reports etc.) go to website here!!

12 References Git Home Page:
References Git Home Page: Git General Info: Github Home Page: GitX (a gui for OS X): Git in 5 minutes: Git Book

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